Monday, March 11, 2019

The Tranny T-Core and the New World Order


One day I met this big muscular military looking white dude and when we shook hands I felt a pin prick in the palm of my hand. He smiled and showed me he was wearing a woman’s diamond ring on backward. I felt a wave of fear as I looked into his eyes, sensing something sinister in his look. I watched him shake the hands of my two friends, John and Brad, who I was there with but they seemed to be oblivious to it. Brad asked the guy what he did for a living and the guy gave a weird almost sinister smile and said he worked for the President. We parted ways after a while but I could not shake the feeling that something had happened to me with that pin prick. My mind went to all these wild scenarios like he infected me with some super virus because I had spoken out against the president and the hatred he was fostering.

Then a week later I really started to flip out because I started to loose my body hair and my muscles started to shrink. I went to the doctors and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Two weeks later all my body hair was gone and my breasts had started to grow, my penis and balls were getting smaller, and my whole body began to take on feminine curves. As I looked at my transforming body in the mirror I was filled with both an intense primal fear and primal sexual energy and somehow both were linked to each other. The fear sent cortisol coursing through my veins which then sent waves of heat and tingling throughout my whole body but especially into my breasts, cock, balls and ass which then produced the most amazing erotic sensations I have ever felt in my life. Within my heart and mind part of me was afraid I was loosing myself while another part of me felt like I was actually finding my true self.

When I called John and Brad they said that the same thing was happening to them. We got together at a local bar and I swear several guys hit on each of us thinking we were girls. And the strange thing was we all got really turned on by the guys hitting on us. I found myself blushing and getting hard as one of the hot guys eyed my body and I noticed his hard cock throbbing under his pants. The sight of his bulge actually took my breath away and all I wanted to do was get down on my knees and suck his cock right then and there. John said we should do something about this. Brad said “like what?” I joked and said “like get a new wardrobe…” We all laughed for a moment and then silently looked at each others bodies. 
We all went back to my place and got really stoned. John said we should strip and compare what was happening to each of us. When we did we all stood there for a long silent moment staring at each others hot new sissy boi bodies and all of our nipples and little boi clitties got hard. Brad whispered out: “Shit we are all fucking hot sissys now.” I whispered: “This is insane. It can’t be happening.” Just then a voice from deep inside my head whispered: “You love the new you. It is the real you. You were born to be a sissy. You were born to serve the COCKs of all alpha men. All you want is COCK. All you need is COCK. You need to get a sexy wardrobe and get yourself some big hard COCKs to fuck you from both ends.” As the voice spoke chills went up and down my spine, my tiny balls churned and I gasped at the erotic energy that began to course through my body as each word resonated inside me. Suddenly the voice appeared to take over my whole being and my hands reached out to take the hands of Brad and John as they simultaneously reached out to to take mine. We looked deep into each others eyes and whispered out loud in unison: “I am a gurl. I am a COCK hungry gurl. I want COCK. I need COCK. I crave COCK. I am a slave to COCK. I am a whore for COCK. I will kneel down before every COCK and serve them all as my MASTER. I work for the president now and he wants me to suck every COCK I find and let every COCK I find fuck me from both ends. I serve the president, I serve COCK, I serve all Alpha Men from this moment on for all eternity.” 

 We stared at each other for a long pregnant moment. My own thoughts and feelings seemed to be fading away in the distance and the words we had just spoken appeared to permeate my whole being. Tears streamed down all of our faces as we simultaneously dropped to our knees and cried in each others arms. Slowly we began to caress each others bodies and then started to whisper in unison again the words we had just spoken. Driven by a deep dark inner force we began to kiss each other on the lips and then all over our bodies. Soon we were having a wild sissy orgy, sucking and fucking and caressing each other for the rest of the night.

In the morning we woke up in a pile on the floor. The voice returned immediately and guided us to get dressed and go to mall and buy women’s clothes. The voice told us our new names as well…my name would change from Jay to Jaimie, Brad would be Beth, and John would be Joan. Our old selves appeared to be mere echoes in some distant mind mist and the voice was now our own voice. That evening our new voice guided us to get all dolled up and drive to the local military base. When we got to the gate we were guided to flirt with the guard and then in unison the voice spoke through us saying: “We work for the President. We are new recruits for the T-Corps.” Then the voice guided each of us to take turns speaking out a strange unique code for each of us: I was Unit 0168Z, Beth was Unit 0169Z, and Joan was Unit 0170Z. The guard smiled and went back into the gate house and called someone on the phone. He came back out and whispered: “Your unit leader is on his way to take you in.” In unison we all thanked him and showed him our breasts. He blushed and got a throbbing hard on under his uniform. We all smiled and stared at his crotch and in unison whispered: “What a beautiful bulge you have there private…we are here to serve you and your COCK in any way you wish…how may we be of service???” The guard really blushed now and stammered out… “Ah, thank you but I am on duty and can’t right now.” Just then a jeep pulled up and the white military guy who infected us months before stepped out of the jeep and approached us. Now he approached us wearing a sergeants uniform. I whispered to the girls: “That’s the guy that did this to us…” 
The sergeant stepped up to us and whispered to us as he checked out our bodies: “Welcome ladies. I see you got my message. I am Sergeant Flynn and in addition to having been your induction officer, I am also your training officer.” He smiled slyly, and swept his hand towards the jeep and said: “Shall we, ladies?…” We all three giggled at his acting so galant and walked to the jeep doing our best whore walks we could muster. Sergeant Flynn drove us to a dark corner of the base and we entered what looked like a bomb shelter entrance. We took an elevator down deep into the earth and found ourselves in an underground facility with barracks, classrooms, work out spaces and a giant padded room which we were lead into. There were fifteen other new units in there already, stripped naked and sitting in a circle. We were told to strip as well and join the circle.  

Sergeant Flynn introduced himself again and said we were now members of an elite force that would be infiltrating American society to serve all alpha males and help recruit all other males into the force. This he said was a needed final solution to fix America by turning all the wimps, queers, peaceniks, hippies, and lefties into their true sissy whore selves. America would then be a strong alpha male run society with women and sissy beta bois as the sex slaves they were meant to be. He added that this was a noble effort since deep down we were freeing ourselves and all the other non alpha male members of society to be our true selves and find true peace, joy and unending sexual pleasure. He concluded by saying it was time for our training to begin. 

 And with that several doors opened and in streamed over a hundred naked alpha male soldiers, all with giant hard throbbing COCKs. We all gasped and squealed with excitement in unison which was followed by a sweet symphony of individual gasps and whisperings like “Oh my GOD” “Oh GOD” “Wow…oh Wow” etc. The naked alphas circled us and then the sergeant blew his whistle and our inner voices took over and we all stood up and walked into the line of alphas who proceeded to ravage us all night long.

I must admit the sight, the touch, the taste, the presence of my first alpha COCK was truly a wondrous experience…a great love and lust filled my body, heart, mind and spirit and all I wanted to do was serve that COCK and every other alpha COCK in the world.

By the morning I must have been fucked from both ends a hundred times. At least that is what it felt like. All us girls laid limp on the floor, covered in sperm, gasping and panting and softly spasming in what appeared to be a sustained orgasmic state. I never felt so spent, so weak, so submissive and so wonderful. After a few moments of swimming in the sea of the experience, guys in white suits came in,  picked us up, put us on hospital gurneys and wheeled all of us to some kind of medical facility where we were bathed, given enemas and had our stomachs pumped. We were hooked up to monitors and given something through an IV that put us into a deep hallucinogenic state. We would also later learn that they were giving us more hormones to increase and accelerate our feminization process even further. At the same time we were fitted with a VR headset that played powerful hypnotic indoctrination programs to us over and over and over.

That evening we were unhooked from the IVs and hypnotic equipment. As we sat up we discovered that we each had some kind of electronic collar around our necks that looked like a high tech dog collar with lights and diamonds. We all touched them and our voice told us how much we loved our new collars. We were each met by an alpha male holding a leash who then proceeded to hook the leash up to each of our collars. I must admit the moment my alpha tugged on the leash I gasped with pleasure. We all did. Without a thought in our minds and without even the voice commanding us we all in unison got down on our knees, held up our hands like a begging dog, stuck our tongues out and panted like a dog in heat. Our alphas patted us on the head and whispered to each of us… “Good girl…good girl…” and we all whimpered with joy.  Then our alphas yanked on our leashes and led us out with us crawling on all fours. Once we were led back to the training space we were unleashed as a new batch of alphas entered and proceeded to ravage us all night long once again. The same cycle was repeated for multiple days and nights for what seemed like months. 
Then one day we were led to another level of the facility where we injected with some nano technology stuff and them given a final feminization makeover, with each of us getting our hair and makeup done and a whole new wardrobe. We were squealing like school girls all day through this part. That night the president himself spoke to us on a video feed. He said he was our new MASTER and our new Daddy and we were his sweet little slave girls. He commanded us to go out there and service every alpha male and we were given a special nanotech diamond ring to use to infect any male who was not deemed an alpha male who supported the president.

 As the three of us drove out of the base and back toward the outside world all I could think about was finding me some alpha COCK as soon as possible. I was so excited I missed a stop sign and a hunky alpha cop pulled us over. Needless to say we serviced him right there on the side of the road. And so began our new life as submissive sissy slut servants of the new alpha authoritarian state of America were there would soon be only two types of people, alphas and those who serve alphas. For us sissy sluts, it was our new wondrous lust-filled Heaven…

I wrote this story a while ago when I was on Tumblr as DeepShadowDiver. I hope you enjoy it…

*An original story channeled by Mark Ranjit, Ph.D. adapted from a real-life experience.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

I Was Made for This...

This image was personally given to me by the queue-balls MASTER during a chat session where he shattered my beingness with his masterful manipulation and entrainmnet techniques. I love this image now and goon to it everyday, thinking of my MASTER, and that moment of ALPHA MASTER SHAKTIPAT! Because in that moment I was penetrated by a deep erotic force that has pulled me further and further down the rabbit hole and taken me higher and higher into erotic ecstasy...and awakened me to the joy of being used, abused, debased, degraded, humiliated, enslaved and owned by any and all ALPHA MALE GODS. And in my heart I leap for joy knowing in the depth of my being that I WAS MADE FOR THIS...