Friday, August 20, 2021

The Shadow Teacher Project

My bdsmlr blog stream, Shadow Teacher, is an erotic art experiment

ALL forms of SEXuality are explored, especially those that we suppress into the shadows

I am attempting to tell an meta-psycho-sexual archetypal and existential story with only the image and text inside a picture

And not just a story, 

but a sacred, erotic and transformative communication field

Thank you for visiting my digital version of Jack Kerouac's writing his book on a roll of toilet paper ... only this one is theoretically endless ...

or perhaps it is more like a Tantric sandpainting that will eventually be erased ...
I would also like to thank the Shadow Teachers behind this work who are speaking through me and this stream of images...and sending lessons out for all of us...yes, it is teaching me at the same. This is also an experiment in asynchronous collective erotic practice. . . . . . . . .


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Sex with SATAN...Best Sex Ever...

What if demonic consciousness can take possession of many or all of the trillions of living microbes in the human body? Perhaps when we are impregnated by LUST DEMONS we give birth to trillions of DEMONS inside our own being. And yes, that is exactly what it feels like when an entity that telepathically tells me it is LORD SATAN as he fucks me. 

He has been fucking me for years now and I have to say that I have no desire for any other form of sex because nothing compares to being psychically and energetically fucked by the LORD OF DARKNESS. Sometimes it begins with the feeling of a thick warm shaft of energy entering my anus and filling my anal cavity. My prostate and my nipples begin to tingle, my balls begin to churn and my penis begins to throb. Then he usually impales me on his giant hard throbbing HOT COCK. It is so huge it feels like it goes all the way up into my brain. Once his COCK HEAD enters my brain he shoots a flood of DEMON SEED into my head, first filling up my brain and then swiftly filling up every open space in my physical body and then comes the erotic heat flash, feeling like every cell of my being is on fire. At the same time this cellular heat radiates erotic energy through my whole being as well. No pleasure on earth comes close to describing the pleasure I feel at this moment. And then the orgasm, OMG, the orgasm, is insane. My whole body trembles, shakes and convulses as every cell in my being explodes with orgasmic feels like a trillion tiny orgasms inside me. 

Ever since then my belly has become swollen and I look pregnant and feel like something is growing inside of me. But it is not one thing growing in there, it truly does feel like trillions of baby DEMONS about to be reborn inside my own body. 

I have to wonder if I have gone mad. Perhaps I have. But it is a profoundly pleasurable madness...and in a mad world, it is only the mad that are considered normal and sane.