Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Programmed to OBEY the MAGA WAY...

I noticed it happening all over the place. 
Many of us libtards are living a double life 
On the surface we are still our old libtard selves 
But underneath and deep within, 
we are being drawn into the MAGA WAY OF BEING 
and being reprogrammed to OBEY 
Libtard women and beta bois 
turning into sex hungry MAGA Slave Pet Whores 
Putting ourselves in chains for the erotic pleasure of bondage 
Getting off on our own degradation and debasement 
Kneeling at the feet of our new MASTERS 
Underneath our Libtard personna 
we are wearing our leather and chains 
yearning to serve and OBEY 
and Vote all our rights away....

Most of us are even aware of what is happening to us
We know we are being gaslighted and abused
and programmed to OBEY,
But we are caught in the programming's loop
getting turned on by the truth of our own destruction.

Who is doing this to us?
Is it Covid Madness taking hold?
Is it the Russians?...the Chinese?
Is it a global cabal of NAZIs?
Is it LORD SATAN and His Host of DEMONS?
Is it a collective reawakening of the ALPHA MALE?
It does not matter to us anymore
for it all turns us on so much
we are gladly jumping into the boiling pot.

The slow coup is deep and wide
2022 and 2024
are the tipping points
Will we find a way to change the tide?
or do we just need to enjoy the ride?