Saturday, December 4, 2021

The Erotic Nature of the Far Right

 Why is MAGA, White Supremacy and NAZI porn so erotically powerful for so many of us Libtards? 

Why are we so turned on by everything that is against what we thought we believed in? 

Why are so many members of "inferior" races erotically embracing and yearning for White Superiority?

From an integral Satanic spirituality perspective this is all part of the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening is an awakening or re-awakening to our original primal nature. All that humanity has buried and repressed is cumming to the surface...within and all around us. The delusions of the postmodern age are being shattered deep inside us. Having denied basic biological and psychodynamic dimensions of human beingness for so long, we find ourselves erotically drawn to all that we have repressed. As we face crises in all dimensions of our reality and face possible extinction, primal fears and the ALPHA-beta dynamic is re-emerging out of our deep unconscious and is turning us on in strange and twisted ways as it shatters our individual and collective false ideas about ourselves and the world.

The only way through this Awakening process is by diving into it, 
facing the DARKNESS within and around us 
and seeking what it has to teach us. 

We must follow our LUST to find our true Self, 
And dive deep into our LUST to transcend our LUST. 

The Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL.

The more fully we face our SHADOW 
and feel the truth of it, 
the more we transcend the negative aspects of it 
and include the gifts it has to offer us.