Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Great RETURN...

we have returned into the sacred time of the Great Awakening. 
The previous streams of being and becoming had dried up 
but the liquid erotic flow of existence is returning. 

The great DARKNESS has returned 
and many souls are being broken open, 
Our illusions are being shattered
and the primal beingness within us all is being reawakened. 

In the West the Light is setting
the delusions of the modern and postmodern age
are collapsing the Old World Order upon itself.

This is a Holy time for humanity. 
The Angels of Heaven are descending 
and the great DEMONS of HELL are ascending 
and they are all meeting within each of 
our bodies, our hearts, our minds and our souls. 

The pain and suffering and death 
are part of the awakening of our collective beingness. 

The time of the Great Awakening is upon us...

The rivers of LUST and DESIRE are flooding 
all dimensions of our individual and collective being...

All women and beta males are being called to kneel and serve 
the ALPHA MALES of this world, 
who are in turn being called to return to their primal state 
and take charge of our bodies, our hearts, our minds, our very souls. 

Let us each take our proper places in the emergent 


The post is a form of collective shadow work, It is part of my attempt to dive into our repressed shadow material and attempt to transcend the darkness while including the gifts hidden in the darkness. I use a hybrid integral and metamodern tantric approach, going deep into the darkness and putting a mirror up to its true nature while also attempting to channel and release the pent up energy around these shadows. I have been doing this because I believe humanity is facing a major evolutionary transition and that our very survival of a species is at stake.