Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lust Demon Report - The Take Over

The last few weeks have been very intense in terms of my visits from the LUST DEMONS. They visit me every day now. Whenever I am alone they start caressing and fucking me. Now in the last few days and nights they just start fucking me and I have no sense of control over my own body. I can feel myself in my body but now there is a space between myself and it, like I am a spirit in a spacesuit. They start to fuck me and my body instantly starts humping them back wildly. And I can hump for hours with ease somehow. It feels like the DEMONS are inside me, in control of my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beingness. During one of my humping episodes I was listening to a demonic hypno and I viscerally felt my whole being be cut off from the Divine above and sink deep into the DARKNESS below. I could feel in the depths of my being my soul being cut off from the Source and free-falling through an eternal emptiness. I panicked with the thought that my soul had just become actually, really, empirically and eternally "sold to the DEVIL" A deep VOICE told me I was correct, that the sale of my soul had just been finalized and there was no turning back now. And then it happened, my terror shattered into a powerful erotic wave that caused my whole body to have a shaking orgasm.

Tonight I took my evening walk and I have been avoiding the local park because their is a spooky ugly and dirty guy who always seems to be there when I am. He follows me and stares at me intensely like a hungry wild animal in heat. He has a limp and luminous haunting fiery blue eyes. But this time my body kept going toward the park and I had totally lost control of my own inner and outer being. Something else was controlling my legs, my thoughts and my feelings. Suddenly it felt like SATAN HIMSELF grabbed my hips and slammed his giant COCK up my boi pussy and deep into my belly. I felt myself lifted up and impaled onto SATAN's giant COCK, erotically floating inside my own body that was walking with power and certainty towards my possible demise. My whole life flashed before me. I felt like I was facing my possible death. And I was getting so turned on. By the time we got to the park I was vibrating orgasmically. And for the first time in weeks the guy was no where in sight. But as my body walked me home, the VOICES of those who are now sharing my body with me started to introduce themselves to me energetically and through internal visions...and the VOICE of LORD SATAN HIMSELF now whispering constantly deep inside me and all around me.

I am sitting here typing this now with part me and part of some other force or being or beings who have now taken control. Walking the line between worlds, realizing the life I knew it was now over....

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