Sunday, July 14, 2019

Raising the Darkness Up into the Light, Bringing the Light Down into the Darkness

Traditional Western religions tend to polarize between good and evil, darkness and light, Heaven and Hell, angels and demons, etc. This duality is an illusion of sorts, in that the mystical traditions recognize the truth that the Divine, the ground of being, exists beyond any polarities, any type of duality. If we are all one, as I believe we are, then we are all in this together and that requires all of us to make it to the gates of enlightenment for any of us to actually go home. And by all of us, I mean all sentient life.

The mission of my faith and our tradition, the Church of Transformative Sexuality, is for us to be  instruments of the union of darkness and light through the honoring of all gender, all culture, all race psycho-sexual awakening.

We Sacred Sissy Whores are one of the main instruments of our mission. We are tasked with living the depth of this union...the union of masculine and feminine, of lust and chastity, of darkness and of light, of pleasure and pain, of love and fear, of the LORDS OF DARKNESS and the LORDS OF LIGHT. And we are tasked with being the balancing force in the evolution of our species, being the conduit for the release of ALPHA MALE psycho-sexual energy buildup that is created by the limitations of the union of male and female of the species arising from opposing evolutionary purposes. With the woman being the channel of the creation of new life and the man needing more release of creative and destructive energy than she can give.

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