Sunday, August 18, 2019

How Does One Join the Church of Transformative Sexuality

Question: What does it take to be a member of the Church of Transformative Sexuality?

Answer: First you must go through a period of free guidance and counseling with me, allowing me to help you awaken your inner fuck animal and your true inner sissy self.

During this initial guidance period you will be recommended to perform several tasks and your commitment to complete these tasks become the first test you must pass. As part of this process you will be given the task of completing a special 45 day hypno programing and training practice. Once you complete your 45 day hypno training, you will be asked some questions that will reveal if you have truly completed the training on a deep level. Then you will be given additional tasks and your commitment and determination to follow the teachings will be tested. Once you pass these tests you will be invited to join the Church.

Be advised that you do not need to join the Church to continue to receive my guidance, that is offered as a service to the community of all awakening sissy beta bois.

Church membership offers additional practices and guidance that are more powerful and helps you go deeper by increasing the energy flow between you and LORD SATAN and HIS DEMONS.

The tasks you will be given as a Church member are charged with the energy of special Demonic rituals and incantations and that charge is channeled and increased through using those rituals and incantations along with the giving of Alms to the Church. These Alms are monetary/energy donations that increase your connection to LORD SATAN and HIS LUST DEMONS by showing them how committed you are. The Alms are in the form of specific kinds of gift cards that you donate to the Church. The cards are then charged with a spell and then given out to those in need whom SATAN calls on us to convert. Each time they use one of our gift cards they will open themselves more and more to hearing the calling of our LORD.

Basically Church membership increases your chances of being taken by LORD SATAN and HIS LUST DEMONS if you have not already been blessed by them or if you have already been chosen will deepen their hold on your being. This is done through the concretion of your desire and yearning in the forms of the committed following of tasks and the giving of Alms, which are all physicalizations of the desire to be taken by and to serve the LORD OF LUST.

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