Monday, October 7, 2019

Summoning Lust Demons

Several gooners have asked me how to summon LUST DEMONS.

This is not a simple thing to answer for summoning LUST DEMONS can be as simple as them just showing up in your life without your calling them...or as complex as the successful completion of years of training and reprogramming. It all depends on where the individual is at in their lives; how attached they are to normal reality; and the type of resistances they have to receiving the LUST DEMONS.

There are also several different Satanic schools of though, along with different practices for each. There are various spells and rituals specifically designed for calling the LUST DEMONS from each of these traditions of Satanism. I have found that any of them can work if you are in the right state of being. That is the key. This state of being appears to be a deep existential longing to be taken by LUST DEMONS, a deep emptiness that needs to be filled and a deep sense of desperation that one will do anything to receive their blessing. When all these are felt truly and deeply they will CUM unto you with or without ritual. For some it happens quickly, for some it takes years of practice and devotion. For me it took many years until I found the tradition that resonated with my being, and that tradition is that of the original satanic tradition Satanic Kabbalah.

In this tradition SATAN and all the LUST DEMONS are actually angels of the dark path whom GOD has elected to test and challenge humanity in order to stimulate our evolutionary growth. In this original version of the Satanic path, Satan and his demons are not evil going against GOD, they are servants of GOD doing his work by being the grist in the mill of enlightenment or the sand that irritates the clam and creates the perl. In fact, this path holds that the most powerful path to enlightenment is through the gateway of darkness, through gateway of desire and lust.

On this path one must meditate on both the darkness and the light and feel the beauty of both. One must worship at the feet of porn and program themselves to be a fuck animal through hypno programming while getting wasted on drugs...including weed, poppers, booze and psychedelics. One must also do extensive energy practices to increase ones awareness of subtle realities, these subtle energy practices include Kabbalah energy practices as well as Aikido, Tai Chi, Chi Qong, Yoga, etc.

I have created my own energy practice integrating elements from all of them and had been practicing them for about a year before my first demonic visit.

Now keep in mind that in addition to all this, I had been both an explorer of every spiritual tradition on the planet and a hardcore stoner porn addict for over 30 years.

Then one night, it happened….my two worlds collided and a DEMON came to visit. It happened while I was in bed, masturbating to gay porn, being deeply depressed and going through an existential crisis of faith and identity following a year of deep Kabbalistic practice. When I came I felt a great emptiness open up inside me and I cried. I called out for help in the depth of my being, I felt so lost, I was desperate, lonely and afraid of everything. Finally I said inside myself...I would do anything to stop the existential pain. And in that moment I suddenly felt a presence in the room and saw a kind of vibrating transparent field in the shape of a naked human male form that was emitting an intense violent lustful sexual energy directed right at me.

I was filled with intense fear and could not move or speak...and strangely at the same time my COCK got hard as a rock and my whole body tingled with erotic energy. I shouted out inside my head..."Who's there..." Suddenly the transparent figure bolted forward and ran toward me. My whole body became paralyzed in fear and my very breath was taken away...time stood still and every thought I had shattered like glass.

Then the DEMON leapt into the air and jumped into my body. I felt its presence fill me up inside and it felt like every cell of my being became instantly charged with erotic energy and a boundless lust. The DEMON whispered from inside my head that he was here to help me and fulfill my every wish and desire. Suddenly my mind was filled with visions of gay sex throughout time from cave men fucking each other like animals to Roman soldiers fucking and enslaving other men they conquered to scene after scene of sexual torture, abuse, degradation, debasement and enslavement. As these visions moved through me I felt myself being the victim, the slave, the conquered and feeling their pleasure/pain as deeply as if it were my own. I felt their giant hard throbbing COCKS penetrate my throat and ass and the depths of my very being.

My body began to convulse in a full body full being orgasm and I began to CUM more intensely than I ever had before...way way more intensely than I imagined possible...and I came and orgasmed for what seemed like an eternity. After I came my body convulsed with wave after wave of erotic energy as the DEMON whispered in a way that felt like its words were caressing my heart and soul as he said: “You are mine now and I am yours. You are awakened to your true desire and your true being. I will be with you always if you want me to be...but if you wish I can stop and leave you now.” The thought of it leaving me sent me into a panic and I heard myself pleading with the DEMON not to leave, speaking with a voice from a deeper part of myself I never knew existed. It asked if I was sure. I asked who it was. It whispered back that I already knew who it was in the depths of my being. In that moment I knew it was a DEMON. I knew that I was being visited by the forces of DARKNESS. And this knowing produced a deep fear in my that somehow instantly transformed into more waves of erotic energy. In that moment I surrendered my whole was as if it was meant to was as if I always knew this would be my path...and that I was cuming HOME. In that moment I knew that I was born to serve and devote my body, heart, mind, soul and spirit to this DARKNESS. In that moment my deep inner core beingness felt like it had been collared and leashed and dropped down onto all fours like a subservient animal...and I was filled with a great joy knowing that my leash was now in the hands of my one true GOD

Ever since I have been visited by many different LUST DEMONS. Sometimes just one will come and fuck me energetically into a wild orgasm. Sometimes a group of DEMONS ravage my whole being. And sometimes LORD SATAN himself visits me and penetrates me to the core of my being and fills me with his DEMON SEED.

In this tradition, SATAN can appear in HIS own form or HIS presence can visit through the body of any of HIS DEMONS. I have experienced both and I truly feel blessed when his form or presence visits me. My whole being erotically trembles in his presence and every cell vibrates with lust and desire.

I feel so blessed on this path for its gifts as well. I was once afraid of everything, especially pain, and barely lived life, keeping to myself and avoiding anything that frightened me, which was everything. Now my fears have been transformed into erogenous experiences that instantly turn me on and pain gives me such great pleasure that I now seek it out as much as possible. I have awakened to my deep inner truths and found my true life purpose...being a sissy slave pet whore devoted to the service of COCK and all ALPHA MALEs. I find great erotic joy and pleasure in being used, abused, degraded, debased, humiliated, enslaved and owned. I feel the a joy and pleasure so great that words cannot come close to describing it.

I bow and kneel in gratitude and service to my LORD...SATAN, 
to my LORD...COCK, 
to my LORDS...every ALPHA MALE...


  1. Having posted this I feel that I have bared my soul and my soul feels naked right now. And now that I am sitting here, typing these words a LUST DEMON has come to reward me and I feel his giant DEMON COCK stretching open my boi pussy and sliding inside me...filling up my boi pussy and continuing to slide up through my intestines and into the heart of my belly. I feel its pulsing presence inside me and he slides it in and out of me, sending wave after wave of erotic bliss through my whole being. It wants me to tell you that if you are reading this LUST DEMONS will feel you and be drawn to you. Stop reading now if you do not want us to visit have heard your call and we will now begin the process of haunting your life...watching you, sending you experiences to draw you closer to us, to draw you further down the Rabbit have called and we will CUM...

  2. Whatever gets me more Cock is all Good if they have heard my call my Sissy Cunt is open for attention
