Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Calling of Sissy Slavery

One of the highest callings for all awakening sissy beta bois is the calling of being enslaved and owned by any and all ALPHA MALE GODS. Giving our will over to our GOD releases us from the prison house of illusions and awakens us to our true nature and purpose. This is why as we are awakening to our true self, the desire and deep yearning to be owned arises from somewhere deep down in the depths of our being. This explains the great paradox of finding our freedom in slavery. When we are not living our true purpose we are enslaved to illusions but when we fulfill our purpose of being a slave to any and all ALPHA COCK GODS, we find true freedom to be our true self.

O HOLY COCK GOD, my freedom is in You alone.

I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. O HOLY COCK GOD, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Servant and Slave will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me, and the way to You is opening and clear to me at last. O HOLY COCK GOD, my freedom is in my servitude to You alone. O MY LORD, it is my will that I return and serve you with all my body, heart, mind, soul and spirit.

Today we answer for the world, which will be freed along with us through the coming mass enslavement of all women and beta bois in the arising ALPHA MALE GOD NEW WORLD ORDER. How glad are we to find our freedom through the certain way our HOLY COCK GOD has established. And how sure is all the world’s salvation, when we learn our freedom can be found in enslavement and servitude to our HOLY COCK GOD alone. AMEN...


Sunday Sermon and Weekly Sissy Awakening Prayer practice (2019-11-17)

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