Sunday, March 15, 2020

About my Research

The Integral-Transformative Sexual Research Project (ITSR) is an independent integrally-informed transformative lived-inquiry research endeavor into the nature of human sexuality in all its forms, and how that sexuality is expressed through media and how that media in turn effects human sexuality, and how human sexuality and its media manifestations can be used as vehicles for individual and collective healing, growth and transformation.

Research Methods 

The researcher uses an Integral Methodological Pluralism research approach that gathers empirical, psychological, phenomenological, hermeneutical, anthropological, historical, sociological and systemic data through deep lived-inquiry action research. This is a long-term study that began in the early 1970s and has evolved through various forms over the years.

Research Topics 

Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Lesbianism, Transsexuality, Pansexuality, Porn and Porn-sexuality, Tantric Sexuality, Sexual Satanism, Sexual Taboo, Kink, Sadomasochism, and Hypno-Erotica.


Mark Ranjit, Ph.D.


This project explores cultural taboos and culturally and socially suppressed areas of human sexual experience in the name of exploring the further reaches of human nature, sexuality and spirituality. We are at a major turning point in human evolution and it is vital that we heal our shadow material as individuals and collectively. This research hopes to contribute to this healing and transformation.

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