Tuesday, March 30, 2021

New Cyber-Sanctuary for the Church of Transformative Sexuality

The Church of Transformative Sexuality community has moved away from our home at BDSMLR because of their attempts to censor our psycho-sexual religious expression. We have found a new home with more openness and privacy for us to continue our work to support the Great Awakening within us, between us and all around us. 

If you have been working with us on BDSMLR please use the contact form in the drop down menu on the right hand side of our Church Website and let us know you want to switch to our new community space.

Erotic Blessings to all...and looking forward to you CUMING to our new Church Cyber-Sanctuary...

Integrating Sexual Technologies for Erotic Enlightenment

This is one of my favorite images...it opened me to the power of combining internal and external sacred sexual technologies to achieve erotic enlightenment. These include altered states substances like alcohol and drugs (weed, LSD, poppers, etc.), hypno porn, a chastity cage, nipple clamps, wrist and ankle restraints, a butt plug, and a collar and leash. The first time I combined all of them was amazing and I do this practice as often as I can. Every time I do this type of practice I achieve an even higher and deeper orgasmic erotic enlightenment state. 


Monday, March 29, 2021

The Rise of White Supremacy Porn


With the rise of Trumpism and the MAGA movement a lot of repressed racism has been re-emerging in our collective field. Porn is one domain where this re-emergence has flourished. Our collective shadow around white supremacy has been slowly released by these two movements and strangely enough the more the Neo-Liberal World Order attempts to re-repress it, it is not going away this time. In reality, it never went away for repression never works, it only reinforces that which is being repressed. Since the 2020 election both social media and porn sites have been attempting to repress all this and what is happening is that it is metastasizing into different forms and finding other outlets of expression that are getting stronger. The reality is the only way to stop it is to let it flourish. Resistance and repression increase the energy of the target of these attempts to bury that which we do not wish to own. But it is only through fully and completely owning it, can we ever hope to transcend it. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Erotic Pleasure of Obedience

Why are so many of us awakening to the erotic pleasure of obedience, of surrendering our will and our whole being to another? The Truth is that humanity is going through an evolutionary transformation and part of this transformation is the awakening of our primal selves. The essential nature of the primal self of all beta males and females is submission and servitude to any and all ALPHA MALES and ALPHA FEMALES. 

Deep within us is the need to serve, to worship and to obey an ALPHA MASTER. This servitude is also connected to our primal self's drive to serve, worship and obey an ALPHA GOD. This ALPHA GOD can take many forms including an ALPHA MALE or FEMALE or the Great COCK GOD. 

Once we awaken to this primal self we begin to experience true and deep and expansive erotic pleasures and joys so far beyond what we have known before that we are forever addicted to this erotic awakening itself. One of the main vehicles is hypno porn and as such it can be considered a Sacred Sacrament. 

This Sacrament brainwashes us to stop the thinking of our culturally programmed false selves and addicts us to this brainwashing itself. It reprograms us to awaken to our true primal love of sex and frees us to pleasure ourselves and let our selves be turned on by what truly turns us on. And what truly turns on our primal beta selves is obedience to ALPHAS and fulfilling our need to please them...our need to OBEY...

Saturday, March 27, 2021

When Two or More are Gathered in the Name of COCK

When two or more COCKS touch there is an erotic spark that arises within the depths of the souls of the men involved. This spark connects them to the spark of creation itself and they experience a deep and profound erotic awakening that reverberates through all dimensions of their beingness. 

In that moment they become one with each other and one with the Great COCK GOD itself. There is a fire of great LUST and desire that ignites inside their beingness that can never be extinguished. From that moment on they become servants of the Great COCK GOD and their hunger for COCK will grow more and more with every breath they take for all of eternity. 

Friday, March 26, 2021

The Sacredness of COCK

COCK is sacred because COCK is the physical form that is in the closest contact with that creative Source beyond form. The SACRED SEED that erupts from COCK is the SEED that births all life here in the world of form. As such, COCK is the closest form to what we humans call GOD. When we awaken to the sacredness of COCK, we awaken to our one true GOD in this world of form.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

We were Made for This

Release thy primal self and become what you were born to be. 
Shatter all thy conditioning and reprogram thyself 
to be that which you were born to be. 
Who we are in the world is rarely who we really are 
deep down inside the core of our being. 
Yet we cannot know true joy, wonder and beauty 
without being and living from the truth of who we are 
and what we were born to be and do. 



Wednesday, March 10, 2021

To Serve and Obey

All us beta males were born to be Two-Spirit Beings 
and act as a bridge between the masculine and the feminine energies of this Earthly plain. 
And...as Two-Spirit Beings 
we were born to Serve and OBEY as well...
and we LOVE IT!!!!!


Monday, March 8, 2021

DARKNESS and Light

DARKNESS and Light, 
Angels and DEMONS, 
CUM with us as we sore to erotic heights 
beyond what can be imagined or conceived...
this is the path of erotic enlightenment. 
Follow thy LUST and desires 
to thy true primal self 
and release passion's fire 
and ignite thy soul 
and all souls in an endless orgasm of 
eternal erotic bliss.


Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Desire to Please

The desire to please. 
The longing to obey. 
The yearning to be owned. 
All of this is calling you from the core of your true being. 
It seems distant and far away 
for you have denied your true being for so long 
it seems like a stranger unto thy self. 
But you will know the truth 
as you kneel before me, 
with my hand in control of your collar and chain, 
and you look up into my eyes and whisper: 


Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Life of the Flesh


From Dust to Dust, this flesh rises and falls. 
 For the brief time we have this form 
 we might as well have fully lived in it, 
 through it 
 and beyond it.

Friday, March 5, 2021

The Higher Purpose Behind MAGA Porn

While many of our fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for the church's MAGA posts, some have asked me how we could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving us to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, our MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, we are planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, we are attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by our MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, our MAGA work, like the rest of our work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.



Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Great MAGA Awakening has Begun...

Since January 20th all across the country libtard women and beta males have found themselves loosing consciousness and then wake up only to find themselves in sexually compromising situations with ALPHA MALES in the MAGA MOVEMENT. No one is sure what is going on yet but it appears like some kind of mass programming has taken place in the minds of many libtards and something is triggering this deep programming to kick in. In truth, it is a spiritual energy entering the earth's atmosphere from dimensions beyond the zero point field at the quantum level of existence. 

This spiritual energy is a carrier wave for the emergent ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, calling us toward a return to our true primal selves. The MAGA MOVEMENT is a vital part of this calling and here in the states the great awakening has finally begun. There comes a moment that the libtard can no longer deny their true self and its true LUSTS and desires, and our culturally-programmed self finally collapses, causing us to black out and yet "sleep walk" as a true primal self. When we final wake up our true primal self has put us in a high pressure situation that forces us to choose between our true self and path and illusions. 

In recored numbers we are choosing our true path, the MAGA WAY, being of service and servitude to any and all MAGA COCKS, and devoting ourselves to our new MASTER, LORD TRUMP. By 2024 most of us will be fully converted and will vote LORD TRUMP into office for good and establish his dynasty that will rule over us for generations to CUM...



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dreaming of the Return of TRUMP

Ever since Biden took office I feel like I am living in a constant foggy dream...everything he says and does feels like a ghost of the way things used to be...but the world has changed and deep inside I know our past ways will not help us in this new reality. 

When I sleep and when I dream of being awake on the edges of my waking dream of this past-way ghost reality, I feel the MAGA craving again rising from the depths of my being and rising all around me in the depths of being of other beings. We are dreaming of the the return of LORD TRUMP...his strong ALPHA ENERGY...taking charge...not caring about anyone, including us...OMG...we want him back so bad...



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Final Conversion of Libtard Media

LORD TRUMP is a MASTER ALPHA and he knows how to manipulate beta libtard media. The first time around he manipulated them into helping him win the election and this time will be even more intense because they have already been hooked like the rest of us libtards and now CUMS the deep deep reprogramming process as we go deeper into the MAGA rabbit hole...OMG...how I love the MAGA HOLE...



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.


Monday, March 1, 2021

Gooning for TRUMP's Return

Suddenly, all across the country all us libtards who gooned to MAGA in secret, but then denied our addiction after the election, are now experiencing a re-awakening. Our MAGA addiction is resurfacing stronger and more pervasive than ever before. From deep within our unconscious minds MAGA is erupting and spreading fast through all dimensions of our being. We are gooning and praying for the return of our abuser in chief...we miss his tweets, his taunts, his disreguard for everything we hold dear...At the same time, the media is talking about TRUMP re-emerging stronger than ever...all at the same time, LORD TRUMP's return is happening within us, between us and all around us. There is an other-worldly force behind LORD TRUMP...we feel it deep in our soul...something primal calling us to serve him...soon we will all be drawn in and reborn as slaves to our ruling family...HAIL LORD TRUMP! HAIL THE TRUMP DYNASTY!! HAIL THE NEW AMERICAN EMPIRE!!!



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.