Monday, March 29, 2021

The Rise of White Supremacy Porn


With the rise of Trumpism and the MAGA movement a lot of repressed racism has been re-emerging in our collective field. Porn is one domain where this re-emergence has flourished. Our collective shadow around white supremacy has been slowly released by these two movements and strangely enough the more the Neo-Liberal World Order attempts to re-repress it, it is not going away this time. In reality, it never went away for repression never works, it only reinforces that which is being repressed. Since the 2020 election both social media and porn sites have been attempting to repress all this and what is happening is that it is metastasizing into different forms and finding other outlets of expression that are getting stronger. The reality is the only way to stop it is to let it flourish. Resistance and repression increase the energy of the target of these attempts to bury that which we do not wish to own. But it is only through fully and completely owning it, can we ever hope to transcend it. 

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