Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Emergence of the WHITE MAGA Movement


What we are witnessing emerging on the Dark Web and Porn Web is a new form of the MAGA movement. This new form began to manifest during the post 2020 Election period in the US and appears to be a hybridization between TRUMPISM, Qanon, WHITE Supremacy and NAZI movements. We are calling this manifestation the WHITE MAGA Movement. This movement more directly associates MAGA with the Q conspiracy fever and what is being called "race realism"...which is code for WHITE Supremacy and NAZI ideologies including the superiority of the WHITE race and inferiority of the other races, ALPHA-beta power dynamics, the superiority of the WHITE ALPHA MALE over all other gender variations, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, disdain for the poor and weak, normalization of hatred, bullying, abuse and violence toward all inferior species including sub-humans (all non-whites, females and beta males), etc. Some strains of this movement also include Satanism.

This movement appears to be growing in popularity beyond the boundaries of the WHITE ALPHA MALE population and members of minorities and genders are embracing this new movement, finding comfort and security in this ideology that views them as inferior and objects to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, beaten, raped, tortured, enslaved and owned. There are even African American's who worship the WHITE race and are calling for a return to slavery, and Jews who worship WHITE ARYAN NAZIS and support the enslavement, abuse and annihilation of themselves and their own people. These manifestations appear to be morphing around a reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement using phrases like Blue Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, Only White Lives Matter...collectively unearthing primal fears, hatreds and prejudices and releasing pent up repressed anger and shame around the collective denial of the primal natural order between sexes, races and classes.  

This all indicates the rising of what some are calling the ALPHA MALE New World Order which appears to be emerging in response to the failings of the Neo-Liberal World Order and a re-emergence of primal human tendencies as humanity faces several global scale crises at the same time. The ALPHA dominator and beta submissive fields of consciousness are resurfacing inside all of us. For the ALPHA there is the yearning for unbridled power and authority. For the beta, there is the yearning for a Father figure or DADDY to take care of us and tell us what to do and to fix all the problems in this broken world. 

For the US, this is DADDY LORD TRUMP. Many in this movement see HIM as their MASTER, their LORD, their SAVIOR, and their EMPEROR. They want to install the TRUMPS as the ruling family of a new WHITE ALPHA MALE ruled American Empire. Both Christian's and Satanist's view TRUMP as their savior, making him both a Christ and Anti-Christ figure at the same time. 

As DADDY LORD TRUMP reemerges from the shadows of the "temporary" loss of HIS WHITE House throne there is a groundswell of the WHITE MAGA movement rising up to meet him. It appears that there is indeed something deeper and more expansive going on here. Not just a man, not just a political movement, but something shifting deep inside humanities collective unconscious.

Friday, May 21, 2021

The Russians are CUMING

According to my research the Russians are in the middle of a global-scale reeducation process using all forms of media, including porn, to reprogram all the world's minorities, women and beta males into their willing sex slaves. The rise of authoritarianism and white nationalism is all part of it, as well as the Q and MAGA movements, along with a mass feminization programming of beta males and bimbofication programming of women. 

Now that they have hacked our government and corporate computer networks, installed comrade TRUMP in office for four years to gaslight the American population and invade all branches of government with Russian MAGA operatives, their next phase is beginning. Both the Covid-19 virus and vaccine are Russian nanotech creations designed to turn all inferior races and sexes into their docile programmed slaves. 

They are amassing their military in the arctic, preparing for the CUMING invasion, and they are sending advance Russian ALPHA MALE studs out all over America to drug, rape, seduce and reprogram American women and beta males one on one. 

With the help of the RED Republicans, LORD TRUMP will be re-installed to power by 2024 and if the Libtards find a way to stop it, the RED army will invade and make sure Amerika is Great Again!


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Eye of the ALPHA Storm

We all feel the storm that is approaching us in different ways. For ALPHA MALES there is a great awakening of their ALPHA ENERGY and all their inhibitions are dissolving. For females, the deep subservient feminine True Self is reemerging and slowly shattering their fantasies of equality and feminism, and rekindling their primal need to breed. For beta males, the ancient call of our True Sissy Selves is stirring in the depths of our being and the primal desire to be bred by and serve ALPHA COCK is beginning to reawaken and put us into an existential crisis as our false masculine self deconstructs before our eyes. 

All us women and beta bois are yearning for a safe space as the storm within and around us builds in intensity. We know the ALPHA storm is upon us and in our hearts and souls we also know that the only place to truly take shelter are in the arms of an ALPHA MALE. In this way by embracing our true submissive and subservient natures, we become the Eye of the Storm itself. 

In this moment, as the storm gets closer and closer, we are called to fully feminize and bimbotize ourselves and prepare our fuck holes to serve the new ALPHA MASTERS. The time is fast approaching, let us get ready in our bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits to face the storm and serve the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER...