Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Eye of the ALPHA Storm

We all feel the storm that is approaching us in different ways. For ALPHA MALES there is a great awakening of their ALPHA ENERGY and all their inhibitions are dissolving. For females, the deep subservient feminine True Self is reemerging and slowly shattering their fantasies of equality and feminism, and rekindling their primal need to breed. For beta males, the ancient call of our True Sissy Selves is stirring in the depths of our being and the primal desire to be bred by and serve ALPHA COCK is beginning to reawaken and put us into an existential crisis as our false masculine self deconstructs before our eyes. 

All us women and beta bois are yearning for a safe space as the storm within and around us builds in intensity. We know the ALPHA storm is upon us and in our hearts and souls we also know that the only place to truly take shelter are in the arms of an ALPHA MALE. In this way by embracing our true submissive and subservient natures, we become the Eye of the Storm itself. 

In this moment, as the storm gets closer and closer, we are called to fully feminize and bimbotize ourselves and prepare our fuck holes to serve the new ALPHA MASTERS. The time is fast approaching, let us get ready in our bodies, hearts, minds, souls and spirits to face the storm and serve the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER...


1 comment:

  1. OMG 111 WOW WONDERFUL..... DELICIOUS NEWS... OOOhh YES !!!! I LOVE !!!!!! Cumming soon...!!!
