Saturday, September 4, 2021

Report from a Spy Mission inside the MAGA Underground


Surfing the DARK PORN web

The Great Wave of the Great Awakening is Awakening

Below the surface of the decaying civilization and planet

A Strange Fever is taking hold

an evolutionary revolution

and it feels like both Light and DARK FORCEs are behind it all

There is a madness and a LUST 

CUMming from beyond the beyond

All across the world libtard beta bois are gooning into a frenzy 

feeding off the other-worldly erotic energy of MAGA PORN

Imagining being MAGA girls serving MAGA COCK

Lost Souls on the way to Erotic Enlightenment

forsaking all 

to worship and OBEY...

The Holy Trinity of 

the Sacred Scriptures of Q, 

the Holy Sacrament of MAGA 

and the Anti-Christ Christ channeling through 

our New GOD and MASTER, 



This post is part of a new form of metamodern sex research where I try to capture the underlying energy of the subject I am studying. Here I am attempting to use abstract poetic languaging in an attempt to capture the energy of this surging underground movement.

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