Friday, March 18, 2022

Putin, WW3 and the ALPHA MALE New World Order


With LORD PUTIN's invasion of Ukraine he has come out of the shadows and truly began the Great Storm to Make the World Great Again (MWGA) by destroying the NeoLiberal World Order and establishing the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER.

He started years ago to lay the groundwork for this moment by beginning to feed powerful cyber-propaganda to the West in 2014, then installing LORD TRUMP in America and severing Britain from the rest of Europe with Brexit, both in 2016.

Then LORD TRUMP worked on collapsing America from the inside and undermining NATO and the EU, along with his British counterparts and a global cabal of the most powerful white Alt-Right ALPHA politicians, billionaires and corporations.

Next, in 2017 they used big data and AI to create and release the Qanon cyber-virus as part of their massive disinformation war to gaslight and polarize all of human civilization.

Then in 2018 they dismantled the West's pandemic response systems, and then in 2019 created and released the final solution Covid 19 virus that is still attacking the world.

Finally, this year, 2022, LORD PUTIN began to physicalize the next phase of the plan by invading Ukraine and killing civilians and gaslighting us on a deeper and more expansive scale. Just like LORD TRUMP, nothing seems to stop LORD PUTIN...and that is awakening the primal LUST in the hearts and minds of libtards around the world.


The post is a form of collective shadow work, It is part of my attempt to dive into our repressed shadow material and attempt to transcend the darkness while including the gifts hidden in the darkness. I use a hybrid integral and metamodern tantric approach, going deep into the darkness and putting a mirror up to its true nature while also attempting to channel and release the pent up energy around these shadows. I have been doing this because I believe humanity is facing a major evolutionary transition and that our very survival of a species is at stake.

1 comment:

  1. I dont care what happens to the world as long as i can worship alpha cock everyday
