Monday, July 4, 2022

The Return of the ALPHA-beta Way of Being

 TRUMPism, MAGA, QAnon, the Covid-19 Pandemic, the war in Ukraine, global supply chain disruptions, the rise of bullying, hate crimes and Neo-Nazis, the erosion of civil rights and the fall of global democracies...are all part of the emergence of the ALPHA MALE New World Order. 

We have denied the natural order for too long and it is catching up with us. The denial of the primal ALPHA-beta psycho-dynamic drive in both humans and all animal species has created deep pathologies in the modern and postmodern world. The traditional worldview is responding by taking charge of the situation and reasserting it primal power. 

As ALPHA MALE energy returns females and beta males cannot resist the primal callings deep within their being. Even though those with the modern and postmodern worldview believe in a reality without these dynamics, the truth awakens from our deep unconscious and manifests as a primal erotic calling to return to our true natures.


The post is a form of collective shadow work, It is part of my attempt to dive into our repressed shadow material and attempt to transcend the darkness while including the gifts hidden in the darkness. I use a hybrid integral and metamodern tantric approach, going deep into the darkness and putting a mirror up to its true nature while also attempting to channel and release the pent up energy around these shadows. I have been doing this because I believe humanity is facing a major evolutionary transition and that our very survival of a species is at stake.

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