Thursday, September 22, 2022

The X-Rated Neo-Traditional Assault on Global Democracies


Global democracies under hardcore attack at all levels

At the gross level, through a pandemic, war, supply chain collapse, and more

At the subtle level, through media propaganda induced polarization, and more

And at the more subtle archetypal level we could say that...

MAGA is fucking us in the ass

while ALPHA PUTIN has us in a stranglehold

and ALPHA TRUMP grabs our hearts

and the Q whispers a madness into our minds

Breeding us

Degrading us

Gaslighting us

Driving us mad

Turning us against our-selves

Turning us beta...

And reprogramming us

to erotically and joyously



This post is a form of collective shadow work, It is part of my attempt to dive into our repressed shadow material and attempt to transcend the darkness while including the gifts hidden in the darkness. I use a hybrid integral and metamodern tantric approach, going deep into the darkness and putting a mirror up to its true nature while also attempting to channel and release the pent up energy around these shadows. I have been doing this because I believe humanity is facing a major evolutionary transition and that our very survival of a species is at stake.

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