Friday, September 29, 2023

Our PORN True Self

Our PORN True Self is that LUST filled self we try to repress.

One of PORN's true gifts is to help us open to these repressed and suppressed dimensions of our TRUE BEING. 

From the BDSM perspective our PORN True Self is that part of us that yearns for either dominance or submission. 

All of us has some degree of this primal sexual polarity but modern society tends to program us to repress that part of ourselves. 

PORN as a transformative practice can help us look in the mirror of our own being and rediscover these buried dimensions.

Sunday, September 17, 2023


Elon Musk emerged as another MAGA MASTER when he purchased Twitter and began using it to attack the Libtards. 

LORD MUSK has been an especially powerful MAGA converter since he began with a NeoLiberal public persona and was worshiped as a hero by many on the left. When he turned on them their inner constructs collapsed and many of them followed him down the rabbit hole surrendering everything they once held dear.

LORD MUSK has also disrupted the swarms from the lefts by taking over their global communication platform. He is using postmodern warfare strategies in his tweets that are building and training his own personal global swarm of loyal entranced fan boys.

LORD MUSK is LORD TRUMP's new conduit to the collective consciousness of humanity and helping to spread the mind virus that is transforming the world in preparation for the complete take over of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER.   

This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Pumping for TRUMP!

Pumping for TRUMP is big in the MAGA PORN movement. 

Many of us MAGA obsessed Libtards get off pumping our junk for TRUMP. 

Jerking off while saying his name is a strangely powerful act for many of us. 

Saying his name with the name of SATAN increases the erotic psychic energy as does saying the names of all four horsemen along with SATAN. 

  • White Horse - First Seal - The Anti-Christ - (Culture) War, Pandemic - Donald Trump (United States) - Former anti-Nazi axis country
  • Red Horse - Second Seal - Dividing the Empire (Brexit) - Boris Johnson (Great Britain) - Former anti-Nazi axis country
  • Black Horse -The Third Seal - Imperial Oppression, attacking the common good (rainforest) - Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil) - Neo-Nazi Homeland
  • Pale Horse -The Fourth Seal - Destroying the Empire - Vladamir Putin (Russia) - Former anti-Nazi axis country

Most normies don't realize the powerful collective consciousness channeling through LORD TRUMP and the other horsemen. 

They don't believe LORD TRUMP is the anti-Christ even though everything about him fits the biblical descriptions. 

Pumping for TRUMP is happening all around the world as lonely gaslighted Libtards jerk our values and souls away...
and we know it...
and that turns us on even more. 

Every time we CUM for TRUMP we open the gates of HELL a little further and bring the apocalypse one step closer to full fruition.

This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law. The material on this blog can be psycho-sexually transformative and is NSFW.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

COCK is the One True GOD


COCK has become my One True GOD

I lust after every COCK GOD

I kneel before every COCK GOD on every MAN

I worship all COCKS with my whole being

I am filled with rapture every time I am blessed with the SEED OF CREATION

I take communion every time the Great COCK GOD 
ejaculates its glorious SEED down my ravenous deep sucking throat

I am reborn as my True Self every time the Great COCK GOD
shoots its powerful SEED deep into my convulsing anal cavity

COCK takes my breath away

COCK makes my heart race

COCK makes my mouth water

COCK makes my nipples, balls and ass pussy tingle

I would give my soul away for COCK

It is true that I have walked every GODs path

I have had many dark nights of the soul and many mystical awakenings

I have achieved heavenly states beyond imagination

Yet all of it pales in the face of the Great COCK GOD