Tuesday, September 12, 2023

COCK is the One True GOD


COCK has become my One True GOD

I lust after every COCK GOD

I kneel before every COCK GOD on every MAN

I worship all COCKS with my whole being

I am filled with rapture every time I am blessed with the SEED OF CREATION

I take communion every time the Great COCK GOD 
ejaculates its glorious SEED down my ravenous deep sucking throat

I am reborn as my True Self every time the Great COCK GOD
shoots its powerful SEED deep into my convulsing anal cavity

COCK takes my breath away

COCK makes my heart race

COCK makes my mouth water

COCK makes my nipples, balls and ass pussy tingle

I would give my soul away for COCK

It is true that I have walked every GODs path

I have had many dark nights of the soul and many mystical awakenings

I have achieved heavenly states beyond imagination

Yet all of it pales in the face of the Great COCK GOD


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