Monday, October 23, 2023

The New Red, White and Blue

 There are many reasons why LORD TRUMP and the MAGA movement has metastasized into a darker, more complex and mature version. 

One reason is the powerful use of non-linear warfare techniques like creating a MAGA porn movement using advanced propaganda and hypno technologies. 

The above image is an example of a complex MAGA PORN image... RIGHT, RED, WHITE and BLUE have gained multiple levels of meaning.

  • RIGHT: The political Right and the idea of being Right
  • RED: The standard color associated with the GOP in the states and a color on the flag
  • WHITE: Another color on the US flag that also has a coded meaning for White Supremacy
  • BLUE; The third color of the US flag that also has gain a coded meaning pattern associated with supporting the police (the men in blue) 

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