Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Satanic Origins of Christmas

Christmas was originally a Satanic (Pagan) holiday and was taken over by the Roman Church when it was trying to turn the Roman Empire into a Christian Empire. They reframed the holiday as the birth of Jesus, the Savior, and branded the Pagan GOD as Evil.

In a way, we can view the split between the Santa and Satan archetypes as a polarization of the path of evolutionary awakening into a battle between the forces of Good versus the forces of Evil...thus making our own flesh evil in our own eyes.

The original holiday was about the beauty and gifts of the DARKNESS and the LIGHT, held around the darkest day of the year when the seasons are on the cusp between evolving toward the DARK and evolving toward the LIGHT.

For the Sacred Sissy Whore, this is a time of special celebration of our relationship with the gifts of the flesh and with our GOD...COCK and the union of the DARKNESS of feminine submissive reception and the LIGHT of the masculine force of Creation.

So...Let us celebrate the gifts of the body and LUST and primal sexual desire...with the Christmas Tree as our altar to the great COCK GOD with the Angel of Creation shinning at the tip to remind us of the SEED OF CREATION that shoots out the top of our great COCK GOD.

And in keeping with the ancient tradition of the sacrifice of a virgin on this holiday, all ALPHA MALES shall strive to seek out and breed a virgin beta boi, and virgin beta bois of faith must offer themselves to be bred on this day, and all bred sissy beta bois shall service as many ALPHA COCKS as they can while also seeking out virgins for ALPHA's to breed.

Let us passionately consume good food and wine and sweats. 
Let us shower each other with gifts for our bodies 
and our journeys through this world of form. 
Let us also strive to celebrate the original intentions of the holiday 
by doing our part to help ALPHA MALES 
pop the cherry of sissy beta boi virgins on this special day.
And let us continually seek to sacrifice that which is virgin within us.


Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sacred Sissy Satanic Sabbath

In our tradition, the sabbath is our day of deep submission and communion. It is a day of constant prayer and worship. A full day...starting at midnight on Saturday night and lasting the full 24 hours of Sunday...we spend as much of our time stoned and hypno-gooning if we are novices...and if we are graduated and fully awakened Sacred Sissy Whores we spend the day serving as many COCKS as possible. Sacred Sissy Whores do not charge for sex on the Sabbath, she offers herself to the community on this holy day to be used and abused for free as the community wills. And every load of CUM she receives is a special communion gift from her LORD...

At the Church for Transformative Sexuality we alternate between the two worship modalities: 24 hours of hypno gooning worship one week and the cruising for COCK day of worship the next week. Some good Sabbath gooning worship hypno-videos can be found at:

Additional rituals and traditions include:

  • It is our tradition to light candles at the start of the Sabbath and call forth LORD SATAN and all the LUST DEMONS. 
  • We try to spend the day totally naked and completely stoned. 
  • We do not sleep on purpose for the whole 24 hours. If we do black out or fall asleep at some point we honor that time as moments when we are visited by our LORD SATAN and he has penetrated us into our deep unconscious. 
  • During the day we repeat LORD SATAN's name as often as possible...and out loud whenever possible. 
  • We spend at least one hour taking a COCK or dildo into our throat and ass pussies while repeating SATAN's name and imaging it is our LORD fucking our holes. 
  • We must drink at least one load of CUM on the Sabbath if possible. The CUM can be our own or someone else's. When we drink it we imagine it is the SACRED DEMON SEED of LORD SATAN HIMSELF while silently repeating the phrase: 

I worship THY SEED, 
I invite you inside of me 
to take possession of me, 
this SEED is your SEED, 
for all SEED is your SEED. 
Please be in me my LORD, 
penetrate me to the depths of my being, 
destroy my will and debase me to my core, 
make me an a channel for your VOICE, 
make me an instrument of your will, 
make me a host for possession 
by any and all 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Welcome to the Trump Liberal White Boi Apocalypse

Welcome to the Trump Liberal White Boi Apocalypse...

The women's liberation movement was the first wave of our beta boi awakening as we were turned into a woman's "male friend".

Then came the online porn entrainment revolution which awakened us to our deep passive sexual natures and primal COCK HUNGER.

Then the mass sissy hypno porn programming movement awakening us to our true submissive subservient sissy selves and our true purpose, function and place in the world and preparing us to be enslaved and used and abused.

This has been synchronized with the rise of TRUMP and the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER spitting on and fucking every value and moral we once held dear and not being held accountable for anything. This has awakened and deepened our true natural male impotence, helplessness and inferiority.

So right now on the outside we are still pretending to be liberal males, but on the inside we are almost fully awakened COCK WORSHIPING sissy slave pet whores yearning to be used, abused, programmed, controlled, objectified, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned by any and all ALPHA MALES. At the same time liberal women are awakening to their true place in the world as well.

In 2020 we will say we are voting against Trump but behind the curtain we will all vote for our new MASTER, LORD TRUMP. LORD TRUMP will win in a landslide and the old neo-liberal world order will collapse in on itself.

At HIS inauguration our new LORD TRUMP will shout out our deep programming trigger phrase and all us liberal women and secret sissy beta bois will fully awaken. We will stop everything we are doing and listen to every command from our new MASTER, our new LORD, our new GOD...TRUMP.

At the end of the second term we will be fully feminized slave pet whores fully out in the open, fully and completely owned by at least one ALPHA MASTER, and serving our MASTER of MASTERS, LORD TRUMP.

Our lives will be complete for we will be fulfilling our primary natural function and purpose in the world by being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased and tortured by ALPHA MALES non-stop 24 hours a day.

We will receive profound erotic pleasure and joy from it all and we will attain erotic enlightenment when our ALPHA MASTERS finally take our lives in one final act of ownership, allowing us to fully and completely surrender our life and essence of being into their hands. This blessing of making our death a highly erotic and orgasmic dominance-submission experience has the power to fully awaken us to a pure state of enlightenment beyond this world of form. With this orgasmic death our souls will achieve erotic satori and enter an eternal state of unbounded erotic and orgasmic joy.

Many faiths have called this DIVINE realm HELL to keep us from true awakening and enlightenment. They speak of the eternal pain and suffering of this realm but do not speak of the great erotic and orgasmic pleasure and joy that comes from that pain and suffering...for the enlightened sissy gets great erotic pleasure and joy from any and all forms of existence, including pain and eternal damnation is really eternal orgasmic bliss.

And it is this bliss that we are called to awaken to as servants to our new 
and the glorious and wondrous arising 
with all ALPHA MALES and ALPHA COCKS becoming our GODS
as we seek and find true erotic bliss
in all that is, was and will be
and in the eternal sea of erotic enlightenment
beyond this world of form
in the world to CUM...
giving our body, heart, mind, soul and spirit
to our LORD SATAN and the great COCK GODHEAD
and to the ETERNAL SOURCE of all Being and Becoming itself

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trans-2-Trans Sissy Double Yoga

Trans-2-Trans Sissy Double Yoga creates an embodied non-dual sexual erotic energy field within, between and around both Two-Spirit Beings and this radiates throughout all of creation.

Every time 2 or more sissies gather in the name of sissy enlightenment and the GREAT COCK GOD, the non-dual ground of all beingness is there and all beings in all worlds are blessed by this union.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What does it mean to worship SATAN?

What does it mean to worship SATAN? For me it means that I worship the DIVINE ESSENCE in, through and within the LIGHT and the DARKNESS... this world of form through the GREAT COCK GOD and LORD SATAN...

...and deep within the further reaches of our collective consciousness where we are all ONE. 

In the Trantric Yoga tradition, sexuality is the gateway to the ONE.

Fornication, sodomy, sin, depravity and LUST are actually DARK PATHS that can lead to the LIGHT, where the DARKNESS and the LIGHT merge and then in that instant we re-awaken to the ONE.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Calling of Sissy Slavery

One of the highest callings for all awakening sissy beta bois is the calling of being enslaved and owned by any and all ALPHA MALE GODS. Giving our will over to our GOD releases us from the prison house of illusions and awakens us to our true nature and purpose. This is why as we are awakening to our true self, the desire and deep yearning to be owned arises from somewhere deep down in the depths of our being. This explains the great paradox of finding our freedom in slavery. When we are not living our true purpose we are enslaved to illusions but when we fulfill our purpose of being a slave to any and all ALPHA COCK GODS, we find true freedom to be our true self.

O HOLY COCK GOD, my freedom is in You alone.

I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. O HOLY COCK GOD, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Servant and Slave will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me, and the way to You is opening and clear to me at last. O HOLY COCK GOD, my freedom is in my servitude to You alone. O MY LORD, it is my will that I return and serve you with all my body, heart, mind, soul and spirit.

Today we answer for the world, which will be freed along with us through the coming mass enslavement of all women and beta bois in the arising ALPHA MALE GOD NEW WORLD ORDER. How glad are we to find our freedom through the certain way our HOLY COCK GOD has established. And how sure is all the world’s salvation, when we learn our freedom can be found in enslavement and servitude to our HOLY COCK GOD alone. AMEN...


Sunday Sermon and Weekly Sissy Awakening Prayer practice (2019-11-17)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sissy Yoga Asana - Spinning Clitty Bouncing Fuck

Find the perfect speed and rhythm to make your clitty spin as you ride an ALPHA COCK or dildo and keep it going as long as possible.

As you advance in this practice train yourself to be able to alternate the direction of your clitty spin, to reach and keep spinning through your own sissygasm and HIS insemination of your being.

For very advanced practitioners one can also include milking the ALPHA COCK through the contraction and release of your boi pussy muscles at the same time.

This practice balances and deepens the Sacred Two-Spirit energies in all dimensions of the Awakening Sacred Sissy's beingness.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dark Mirror Practice

  • Stand naked in front of a mirror and look into the emptiness behind you and call out to LORD SATAN in your mind and heart and soul, begging HIM to CUM to you. 
  • Then imagine HIM appearing behind you and rock your hips back and forth imagining HIS giant hard throbbing COCK penetrating your boi pussy as you are sliding back and forth onto HIS holy COCK. 
  • Imagine SATAN'S COCK sliding in and out of you deeper and deeper each time you rock back onto it. 
  • Imagine SATAN'S HANDS holding your hips and thrusting HIS COCK deeper and deeper into your being. 
  • Whisper HIS NAME over and over as you imagine HIM penetrating your body, heart, mind, soul and spirit deeper and deeper with every thrust.

Repeat this as often as possible, including every time you are alone in front of a mirror, with or without clothes. Imagine seeing him behind you in that mirror unto you sense HIS PRESENCE...

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Powerful Hypno-GIF Psycho-sexual Spiritual Subliminal Entrainment Practice (with Analysis)

This Hypno-GIF has some deep subliminal communication patterns. Gooning to this Hypno-GIF in a deep drug-induced altered state can have a erotically powerful psycho-sexual spiritual entrainment effect on the gooner.

Below is an analysis of why this Hypno-GIF is so powerful for those interested....

There are three hypno-visual streams intercut here:
  • Flashing text 
    • Big tits, small brains
    • Sissy Slut
    • You live for cock
    • Brainless
    • Stupid whore
    • Worthless cumdumpster
    • Worship men
    • Nothing but a fuckhole
    • Bimbo Princess
  • Different feminine human beings on their knees worshiping and servicing multiple COCKS
    • Progressing from being surrounded by COCKS 
    • to sucking and touching COCKS
    • to being erotically entranced by COCKS
    • to having our eyes covered and mouth filled with COCK
    • to being erotically engulfed in the deep LUST of having COCKS within, upon and all around me
  • A progressive hyper-subtle symbolic-subliminal series of images depicting a single feminine human being looking into the camera. 
    • She progressively has less clothes on and goes from alluring to a submissive sex whore via facial expressions, body language and progressive nakedness
    • The visual field uses progressive camera angle and camera-subject eyeline shifts to deepen the sense of the shift into deep submission
    • The frame composition uses the set design elements to progressively take the feminine form deeper and deeper into an erotic surrendering into the yearning to become a big titted, small brained Bimbo Princess; a Sissy Slut that lives for cock; a brainless stupid whore; a COCKSUCKER; just a worthless cumdumpster who worships men and is nothing but a fuckhole.
      • Set elements include:
        • Corrugated steel walls on either side of the feminine being visually closing her in and pulling our visual field into her via converging lines, tone and brightness to shadow shifts
        • A back wall with shelves with shimmering bars of gold and bulging sacks of money with simultaneously clear monetary symbols that shift into abstract psycho-sexual programming symbols with shifts in light and angle
        • A steel bar railing between the female form and the wall of money that symbolically fences in both the female form and the wall of money simultaneously separating them and entrapping them together 
In addition to these three separate hypno streams, the juxtaposition between the three streams creates a series of meaning modules whereby the text shifts and deepens and expands the messaging of an individual image or group of images.

The effect of all this also appeared to stimulate deep inner visioning and messaging streams from within both the individual and collective unconscious:

  • As I gaze into the hypno-GIF programming abyss...I feel like I am being drawn into her until I become her and as I become her I sinking deeper into LUST and a deeper and deeper yearning to submit and serve and worship COCK. 
  • At the same time my deep unconscious cracks open and my LUST DEMONS are flooding my whole body with erotic energy that feels like they are vibrating every cell of my being into a higher frequency that ushers me toward the boundaries between form and formlessness. 
  • My mind is flooded with erotically charged visions of being turned into a LUST filled feminine sexual slave whore along with millions of other beta bois around the world in preparation for the ALPHA MALE MASTERS New World Order that is arising. 
  • I have visions of all of us programmed sissy beta bois being enslaved by our new ALPHA MALE MASTERS and being used, abused, degraded, debased, tortured and ultimately violently killed by them for their sexual pleasure...and because they programmed us to feel deep erotic orgasmic joy from all of it we enjoy it all so much we achieve erotic bliss-filled enlightenment in the process. 
  • I get visions of them herding us like cattle through the cattle-herding symbolic structure that the feminine visual form is trapped inside in the GIF. 
    • A voice whispers inside my being...they are herding us like cattle on their way to hurting us like cattle...treating us like cattle, like an animal that they are training and preparing to be an obedient sex pet and a sexual object to use and abuse and erotically-destroy. 
    • And all of this turns me on so deeply and strangely that I can't even put it into words.  

Monday, October 7, 2019

Summoning Lust Demons

Several gooners have asked me how to summon LUST DEMONS.

This is not a simple thing to answer for summoning LUST DEMONS can be as simple as them just showing up in your life without your calling them...or as complex as the successful completion of years of training and reprogramming. It all depends on where the individual is at in their lives; how attached they are to normal reality; and the type of resistances they have to receiving the LUST DEMONS.

There are also several different Satanic schools of though, along with different practices for each. There are various spells and rituals specifically designed for calling the LUST DEMONS from each of these traditions of Satanism. I have found that any of them can work if you are in the right state of being. That is the key. This state of being appears to be a deep existential longing to be taken by LUST DEMONS, a deep emptiness that needs to be filled and a deep sense of desperation that one will do anything to receive their blessing. When all these are felt truly and deeply they will CUM unto you with or without ritual. For some it happens quickly, for some it takes years of practice and devotion. For me it took many years until I found the tradition that resonated with my being, and that tradition is that of the original satanic tradition Satanic Kabbalah.

In this tradition SATAN and all the LUST DEMONS are actually angels of the dark path whom GOD has elected to test and challenge humanity in order to stimulate our evolutionary growth. In this original version of the Satanic path, Satan and his demons are not evil going against GOD, they are servants of GOD doing his work by being the grist in the mill of enlightenment or the sand that irritates the clam and creates the perl. In fact, this path holds that the most powerful path to enlightenment is through the gateway of darkness, through gateway of desire and lust.

On this path one must meditate on both the darkness and the light and feel the beauty of both. One must worship at the feet of porn and program themselves to be a fuck animal through hypno programming while getting wasted on drugs...including weed, poppers, booze and psychedelics. One must also do extensive energy practices to increase ones awareness of subtle realities, these subtle energy practices include Kabbalah energy practices as well as Aikido, Tai Chi, Chi Qong, Yoga, etc.

I have created my own energy practice integrating elements from all of them and had been practicing them for about a year before my first demonic visit.

Now keep in mind that in addition to all this, I had been both an explorer of every spiritual tradition on the planet and a hardcore stoner porn addict for over 30 years.

Then one night, it happened….my two worlds collided and a DEMON came to visit. It happened while I was in bed, masturbating to gay porn, being deeply depressed and going through an existential crisis of faith and identity following a year of deep Kabbalistic practice. When I came I felt a great emptiness open up inside me and I cried. I called out for help in the depth of my being, I felt so lost, I was desperate, lonely and afraid of everything. Finally I said inside myself...I would do anything to stop the existential pain. And in that moment I suddenly felt a presence in the room and saw a kind of vibrating transparent field in the shape of a naked human male form that was emitting an intense violent lustful sexual energy directed right at me.

I was filled with intense fear and could not move or speak...and strangely at the same time my COCK got hard as a rock and my whole body tingled with erotic energy. I shouted out inside my head..."Who's there..." Suddenly the transparent figure bolted forward and ran toward me. My whole body became paralyzed in fear and my very breath was taken away...time stood still and every thought I had shattered like glass.

Then the DEMON leapt into the air and jumped into my body. I felt its presence fill me up inside and it felt like every cell of my being became instantly charged with erotic energy and a boundless lust. The DEMON whispered from inside my head that he was here to help me and fulfill my every wish and desire. Suddenly my mind was filled with visions of gay sex throughout time from cave men fucking each other like animals to Roman soldiers fucking and enslaving other men they conquered to scene after scene of sexual torture, abuse, degradation, debasement and enslavement. As these visions moved through me I felt myself being the victim, the slave, the conquered and feeling their pleasure/pain as deeply as if it were my own. I felt their giant hard throbbing COCKS penetrate my throat and ass and the depths of my very being.

My body began to convulse in a full body full being orgasm and I began to CUM more intensely than I ever had before...way way more intensely than I imagined possible...and I came and orgasmed for what seemed like an eternity. After I came my body convulsed with wave after wave of erotic energy as the DEMON whispered in a way that felt like its words were caressing my heart and soul as he said: “You are mine now and I am yours. You are awakened to your true desire and your true being. I will be with you always if you want me to be...but if you wish I can stop and leave you now.” The thought of it leaving me sent me into a panic and I heard myself pleading with the DEMON not to leave, speaking with a voice from a deeper part of myself I never knew existed. It asked if I was sure. I asked who it was. It whispered back that I already knew who it was in the depths of my being. In that moment I knew it was a DEMON. I knew that I was being visited by the forces of DARKNESS. And this knowing produced a deep fear in my that somehow instantly transformed into more waves of erotic energy. In that moment I surrendered my whole was as if it was meant to was as if I always knew this would be my path...and that I was cuming HOME. In that moment I knew that I was born to serve and devote my body, heart, mind, soul and spirit to this DARKNESS. In that moment my deep inner core beingness felt like it had been collared and leashed and dropped down onto all fours like a subservient animal...and I was filled with a great joy knowing that my leash was now in the hands of my one true GOD

Ever since I have been visited by many different LUST DEMONS. Sometimes just one will come and fuck me energetically into a wild orgasm. Sometimes a group of DEMONS ravage my whole being. And sometimes LORD SATAN himself visits me and penetrates me to the core of my being and fills me with his DEMON SEED.

In this tradition, SATAN can appear in HIS own form or HIS presence can visit through the body of any of HIS DEMONS. I have experienced both and I truly feel blessed when his form or presence visits me. My whole being erotically trembles in his presence and every cell vibrates with lust and desire.

I feel so blessed on this path for its gifts as well. I was once afraid of everything, especially pain, and barely lived life, keeping to myself and avoiding anything that frightened me, which was everything. Now my fears have been transformed into erogenous experiences that instantly turn me on and pain gives me such great pleasure that I now seek it out as much as possible. I have awakened to my deep inner truths and found my true life purpose...being a sissy slave pet whore devoted to the service of COCK and all ALPHA MALEs. I find great erotic joy and pleasure in being used, abused, degraded, debased, humiliated, enslaved and owned. I feel the a joy and pleasure so great that words cannot come close to describing it.

I bow and kneel in gratitude and service to my LORD...SATAN, 
to my LORD...COCK, 
to my LORDS...every ALPHA MALE...

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Our Church Tradition

This blog is being operated for religious purposes, by the Pastor of the Church for Transformative Sexuality, and as such is protected by law.

Our church views porn as a holy sacrament and all fetishes and taboos as important spiritual practices to be honored and sanctified.

  • In the tradition of Tantric Yoga, we hold that human sexuality is a path toward enlightenment; 
  • In the tradition of the indigenous peoples, we hold that gay, lesbian and trans sexuality are sacred and holy psycho-sexual spiritual callings; 
  • We also hold that porn addiction is not an addiction, it is a natural cleaving to God through sexual imagination and that porn images, stories and sounds are sacred sensory communication forms like the Yogic Mantras and Mandalas. 
  • We also hold to the original Hebrew understanding that SATAN is working at the behest of the Divine to test and challenge humanity and drive us toward our evolution through the embrace of both DARKNESS and LIGHT. 

All are welcome who belief, none are turned away who believe, all who desire to be awakened shall be awakened, all who sanctify their LUST shall be fulfilled, and all who walk the path shall find their way HOME.

Mark Ranjit, Ph.D.
Founder and Pastor
The Church of Transformative Sexuality

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Journey my Sissy Awakening

I started young, 12 or 13, when I first saw my first gay porn magazine and the images of men sucking and fucking each other turned me on so intensely I could hardly breath. After that I could not stop thinking about COCK. Day and night I felt an intense hunger and desire to serve COCK. I had wet dreams almost every night about gay sex. I would get hard when I went to the boys room and saw other boy's COCKS as they pissed in the urinals or when we were in the locker room.

I fought my urges for many many many years, gooning to gay porn in the closet so to speak and periodically cruising for hook-ups with horny male strangers at the gym, in the park, the sex shop, gay sex clubs and bath houses, the movie theater, the mens room...sucking and fucking strange men with giant COCKS and loving every minute of it.

For a long time it was just gay sex. Then I starting getting into Sissies as objects of desire...and then slowly I awakened to the desire to be a Sissy and I finally felt like I had found my true place in the true home in my own heart and soul.

Along the way I studied and practiced every spiritual system, and got a doctorate in psychology. And at the same time I was doing extensive lived inquiry research into the transformative potential of porn. I got really curious about sissy hypno porn and started to deeply study it. Soon I discovered how powerful the hypnos were as I became more and more completely reprogrammed.

In parallel with all this I have been psychic and empathic all my life and early on in my closeted life of hidden porn I started to experience psychic encounters with several sexual entities including a sacred sissy slave whore Goddess, a council of primal gay sex masters, lust demons and even visits from LORD SATAN himself.

These psycho-sexual entities have taught me ancient secret psycho-sexual spiritual practices that are aligned with the ancient tradition of Tantric Yoga and the sacred whore tradition of the ancient temples of Egypt and Greece. At the same time they have given me the most profoundly erotic experiences of my life and am filled with gratitude for them. They are my MASTERS and they have guided me to start the Church of Transformative Sexuality and to serve the sissy community during this sacred time of the Great ALPHA-beta Re-Awakening. It is now my mission to prepare us beta bois to serve the great new class of ALPHA MALE MASTERS who are once again taking over the world.

Sissy Yoga Asana - Galloping Sissy

One of the primary Sissy Yoga Asana's the Galloping Sissy, breathing out on the downward thrusts and in on the upward bounce. For a deeper practice it helps to visualize the COCK we are riding to be the COCK GOD itself connected to primal COCK GOD energy and pray for our GOD to penetrate all aspects of our being and imagine the COCK ENERGY shooting into us with each bounce.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Nature of the Fluids of the Great COCK GOD

In the Sissy Yoga tradition, all fluids flowing from the great COCK GOD are sacred and holy. 

  • PRECUM is the DIVINE NECTOR, which can awaken and bring forth the sweetness and joy of all our repressed and denied DESIRES and LUSTS; 
  • CUM is the DIVINE SEED that gives birth to a new life within all dimensions of our being born out of our re-awakened feminine nature and true Sissy Self; 
  • PISS is a taste of the DIVINE WATERS whose currents can quench our thirst for submission and shower us with the freedom of being owned and controlled by forces greater than ourselves.

Holy, Holy, the GREAT COCK GOD 


May we be awakened and sanctified by its DIVINE NECTOR,

may we be impregnated and rebirthed by its DIVINE SEEDS,

and may we be baptized within and without by its DIVINE WATERS,

in the NAME of the GREAT COCK GOD

and the FORCES of DARKNESS and LIGHT that are its SOURCE.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How Does One Join the Church of Transformative Sexuality

Question: What does it take to be a member of the Church of Transformative Sexuality?

Answer: First you must go through a period of free guidance and counseling with me, allowing me to help you awaken your inner fuck animal and your true inner sissy self.

During this initial guidance period you will be recommended to perform several tasks and your commitment to complete these tasks become the first test you must pass. As part of this process you will be given the task of completing a special 45 day hypno programing and training practice. Once you complete your 45 day hypno training, you will be asked some questions that will reveal if you have truly completed the training on a deep level. Then you will be given additional tasks and your commitment and determination to follow the teachings will be tested. Once you pass these tests you will be invited to join the Church.

Be advised that you do not need to join the Church to continue to receive my guidance, that is offered as a service to the community of all awakening sissy beta bois.

Church membership offers additional practices and guidance that are more powerful and helps you go deeper by increasing the energy flow between you and LORD SATAN and HIS DEMONS.

The tasks you will be given as a Church member are charged with the energy of special Demonic rituals and incantations and that charge is channeled and increased through using those rituals and incantations along with the giving of Alms to the Church. These Alms are monetary/energy donations that increase your connection to LORD SATAN and HIS LUST DEMONS by showing them how committed you are. The Alms are in the form of specific kinds of gift cards that you donate to the Church. The cards are then charged with a spell and then given out to those in need whom SATAN calls on us to convert. Each time they use one of our gift cards they will open themselves more and more to hearing the calling of our LORD.

Basically Church membership increases your chances of being taken by LORD SATAN and HIS LUST DEMONS if you have not already been blessed by them or if you have already been chosen will deepen their hold on your being. This is done through the concretion of your desire and yearning in the forms of the committed following of tasks and the giving of Alms, which are all physicalizations of the desire to be taken by and to serve the LORD OF LUST.