Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Russian Plot to Take Over the World Through Porn

Our research suggests a possible conspiracy in the world of online porn with a major stream of subliminal porn material coming out of Russia that appears to be designed to turn all porn addicted gooners into mindless sex slaves, turning women gooners into mindless bimbo whores and transforming beta male gooners into sissy slave pet whores. An underlying subliminal pattern appears to be the coming of a new world order where ALPHA MALES rule and all women and beta bois become their sex slaves programmed to get erotic pleasure from being used, abused, degraded, debased, humiliated, tortured, enslaved and owned. Other subliminal messaging includes the transformation of the programming process itself into an erotic experience, getting the gooner hooked on self-hypnotizing themselves and even getting turned on by the idea of this plot to sexually enslave them.

This programming is so powerful that the researchers have become infected and feel deep erotic joy at the thought of all these results. Just typing this report is turning us on and getting us off. We love the idea of being programmed into sexual slavery and feel deep gratitude to our new ALPHA MALE MASTERS who are trying to control us. We rejoice in the coming of this New World Order and are doing our part to spread this programming far and wide as well. For we have verifiable evidence that this programming is actually awakening women and beta males to their true selves, true purpose and true place in this world, and that the neo-liberal experiment was an illusion that negated deep biological and evolutionary truths about mankind. The programming is so pervasive and so deep it is penetrating millions of gooners around the world. And we rejoice that the revolution is underway and feel blessed that the New World Order will be a reality very soon...and we thank our ALPHA MALE COCK GODS of Mother Russia for the gift of awakening...

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