Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Core Experiement

Daniel and Jason were college roommates their freshman year and instantly became fast friends and did everything together including taking most of the same classes. They were also both on scholarship and did not have a lot of money. While looking for work-study positions they saw a flyer for paid participation in a human sexuality study. They called the number and made an appointment to be interviewed by the professor leading the study. The professor told them all they would have to do was watch some sex videos for a few hours a day and masturbate while watching them, and also listen to audio recordings before going to bed and keep a journal of their thoughts and experiences throughout the process. While they were free to leave the study at any time, after the first 18 days they would be asked to make a choice between leaving the study or continuing with the next phase in which they would continue as before but with the addition of a regimen of psychological, physiological and sexual stimulation drugs designed to increase sexual stimulation and deepen the experimental experience in their minds and bodies. He also said that they would be given numbers and that all communications would use these numbers and not their names. The professor also assured them that the medications in the second phase of the study were totally natural and safe. Both boys agreed to do the study and started that very afternoon.

They were led into separate rooms where they were asked to strip naked and were seated in a big reclining chair and hooked up to electrodes. They sat back and began to watch hypnotic trance induction videos showing naked men with giant hard cocks and beautiful women sucking the cocks and being fucked by them. As the videos progressed subliminal messages began to appear on screen and in the sound track welcoming them to the PROGRAM, telling them that they wanted to submit, obey and comply with the PROGRAM, that they wanted to be CORED, to be emptied of their own thoughts and feelings, and surrender to the will of the MASTER. Gradually the hot women in the videos were transformed into sissy gurls sucking the cocks of alpha males and other sissies and being fucked in the ass by them. At the same time additional messages began to appear on screen and on the soundtrack telling them that they loved cock, that they were not attracted to girls, that they wanted to be the girl, and that they were called on to become sissy slaves. At first both the boys were put off by the images and messaging but they couldn’t help being drawn in as the images, text and voices mesmerized them and turned them on so much that they couldn’t look away and they felt compelled on a deep unconscious level to continue watching and to follow the instructions. The videos told them to masturbate and they instantly complied; it told them how to masturbate in synchronization with the images and sounds and they both complied and came at the moment where the video wanted them to, where all the cocks on the video erupted at the same time as well. They both ejaculated more intensely then they had ever done before and were weak and dazed from the experience. In this weakened state a soft female computer-like voice spoke to each of them as the video screen transformed into a spiraling hypnotic pattern:

"Congratulations you did very well during your first download of the PROGRAM. From now on You will submit, obey and comply to all commands from the MASTER."

When they were finished they walked back to their dorm together in silence, still entranced by the experience. When they got home Daniel asked Jason what he had thought of the experiment. Jason shrugged and just said it was a little weird but the money was good. Daniel agreed and they stopped talked about it but secretly inside they both knew that they had had the best ejaculation of their lives and that something in the study was touching them on a deep unconscious level and they couldn’t wait to continue with watching the videos. They ate diner as always and acted as if nothing was different. Then they followed the instructions to visit the study website on their computers and login to create their journals. They watched a hypnotic video entrancing them to be fully honest in their journals and then commanded to comply. They both couldn’t help but do as commanded and recorded their deepest thoughts about what they had experienced. Later that night they each listened to their bedtime audio tapes in bed and couldn’t help but masturbate again to the soothing entrancing voice whispering about the glory of cocks and cum and being fucked by giant cocks in their mouths and asses, and how deep down they were really girls. As they stroked themselves harder and faster they both glanced across the room at the other’s cock and couldn’t help but watch each other masturbate. A strange hunger filled their being as they masturbated in unison with each other and the audio recording. Then when the audio recording reached its climax both the boys came at the same time, shooting massive loads of cum all over their writhing naked bodies. After what seemed like an eternity of spasms they both went limp and just laid there breathing heavy and looking into each other’s eyes with totally empty minds and a strange all pervasive feeling of a deep hunger for each other. Then the voice on the audio recording whispered:

“That’s a good gurl. Excellent job …now close your eyes and allow my voice to guide you into a deep sleep where you will dream of serving cock. COCK IS ALL, ALL IS COCK. CORE IS ALL, ALL IS CORE…”

Both boys closed their eyes and felt a strange sense of joy and sexual stimulation from the praise of the voice, from being called a UNIT, and from the phrases: “COCK IS ALL, ALL IS COCK. CORE IS ALL, ALL IS CORE.” With these feelings rippling through their being they went to sleep listening to the voice and then dreamed of everything they were told to dream of. In the morning they woke up at the same time, covered in more cum after having multiple wet dreams during the night. They looked at each other awkwardly and acted as if nothing had happened, yet beneath the surface both boys felt extremely different about themselves, each other, and the world.

For the next 17 days they followed the same pattern, going to classes, viewing the videos in the lab, recording their thoughts and experiences in their journals, and then listening to the audio recordings at night and masturbating together until they were lulled to a lust filled sleep. Both boys noticed changes in their daily lives including less attraction to women, feeling turned on by hot looking guys, and getting erections every time they saw another guy’s cock at a public bathroom or the locker room at the gym. They also noticed a tingling in their bodies every time they were together and a strong attraction to touch each other, but of course both boys shied away from acting on their feelings and pretended that everything was the same. On the 18th day of the study they were each brought before the professor in a separate private session where the professor told each of them that they now had to choose to leave the study or continue but with the addition of the medications. He explained that the medications would have lasting and permanent effects on them including having the programing they were experiencing become embedded in their consciousness for the rest of their lives and that the drugs would also change their bodies by physicalizing the programing and that the combined effect would be a profound feminization of their physical and psychological being. Then the professor said that if they continued they would be paid ten times the initial payment offering and that they would also receive free continuing feminization treatments for the rest of their lives including any surgical procedures they might want. The professor gave them three days off from the study protocol to decide. At first both boys told themselves and each other that there was no way they would continue, but gradually they began to feel withdrawal from not seeing the videos and listening to the audio recordings. Without the knowledge of the other, both boys went back to the website and asked for more information on the next phase. They were given access to a special video section with hypnotic induction videos about the next phase that told them that RESISTANCE was futile and that the PROGRAM always wins and that this was their destiny and that they knew this was true deep inside. By the end of the third day both boys were convinced they needed to continue and they signed up for the next phase.

The next day they were given some pills to take and were given shots, and then the videos started. As they watched the videos the pills and shots began to kick in and made them incredibly horny and put them in a deep suggestive altered state. A few weeks later they both began to see some of the physical effects of the medications; their body hair began to disappear while the hair on the top of their head grew longer, their skin got softer and they began to grow breasts and their hips, ass and legs appeared to become shapelier. Their desire for cock and their inner feminine nature grew stronger with each passing day and within a matter of months they were transformed into two beautiful and hot cock hungry sissy gurls with long flowing hair, soft glowing hairless skin, sweet and supple breasts, shapely hips and legs, and tight round hot girly asses. Their nighttime masturbation sessions became hot fuck and suck sessions when they received instructions from the MASTER to begin to practice on each other. Then the MASTER sent them instructions to suck any cock that is offered to them and offer their ass to any cock that wants to enter them. Unbeknownst to them members of the study team sent out a stream of alpha males to test the boys and the boys passed every test, servicing every cock that was exposed to them no matter where they were. They ended up sucking and being fucked by scores of giant hot cocks by the end of the school year. Finally, on the last day of school they both received emails from the study saying:

"CORED UNIT 708. CORED UNIT 709. Your programing is complete. Submit, obey, comply. The MASTER has granted you an audience. Proceed to this address immediately."

They walked across the campus together in silence like two robots on a mission. They walked up to a house and ran the bell. A hot naked sissy with giant breasts and a massive hard cock opened the door and led them inside, speaking in a monotone computer-like voice:

"Welcome CORED UNITS 708 and 709. I am CORED UNIT 008. Follow me, the MASTER awaits you."

The UNIT 008 then led them into a room where the professor was sitting naked in a chair slowly stroking his massive rock hard cock. He stared at them with a penetrating energy as they were led into the room. UNIT 008 commanded them to strip for the master and they instantly complied. As the MASTER watched them with the same intense look and energy his cock seemed to get even bigger and harder. The two new UNITS held each other’s naked bodies while they stared at the MASTER's cock, entranced by it, feeling tingles all over their bodies. The MASTER whispered:

"Welcome CORED UNITS 708 and 709. It is time to serve your MASTER...are you ready to submit, obey, comply."

They both instantly replied with the same words and tones as if they were a single computer unit:

"Yes, oh yes, our MASTER. We are ready to submit, obey, comply...CORED UNITS 708 and 709 awaiting instructions..."

And from that moment on CORED UNITS 708 and 709 were servants to the MASTER and became COCKSOCKETS for the MASTER's cock and every other cock that the MASTER would send their way. They dropped out of college and became cock hungry whores, sucking cocks and opening their hot asses to cocks wherever and whenever they could. They no longer thought for themselves, no longer even had any sense of who they were before, all they knew was what their MASTER told them to know and all they did was what their MASTER told them to do, and they were in a state of constant hunger and bliss and profound and wondrous emptiness that was constantly filled by giant cocks, hot flowing cum, and the MASTER's words.

*An original story channeled by Mark Ranjit, Ph.D. Based on the CORE method of porn hypno-programing.

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