Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Call for a WHITE POWER Summer


The reemergence of WHITE Supremacy is metastasizing in the US and through out the world. The repression by the postmodern social networks and democratic corporate states has only increased the energy behind this rising wave in collective consciousness. MAGA and Q communities are more completely merging with WHITE nationalist, NAZI, alt-Right and Satanic groups. Both on the Dark Web and the Porn Web, they are calling for a #WhitePowerSummer. Some in this movement feel a response to the Black Lives Matter protests last summer is needed. For others this is an answer to the calling of the post-election Qs coming from Q, LORD TRUMP and HIS messengers. 

The plan has been to increase the message of a stolen election, to embrace the archetype of the Two Presidents, to use the Arizona recount as a catalyst for a challenge in the minds of MAGA Minions. LORD TRUMP has been hinting that he could be back in office sometime this year...and HE and his messengers are drawing energy toward this summer. The PROUD BOYS and other MAGA-aligned militias are preparing for the summer, organizing and planning acts of individual and collective acts of terror against non-whites and their sympathizers, in response to LORD TRUMPS call for HIS reinstatement into office. LORD PUTIN has given his blessing and all forces are using HIS postmodern nonlinear warfare protocol to destroy us from within.

On a deeper level, this is a strong and powerful Us vs. Them Shadow that must be faced and worked through on the collective level. A battle is raging within all of us between right and wrong, us and them, black and WHITE, DARKNESS and light...we are in the middle of the Apocalypse and the major front of this war is inside each of our own minds. And the only way to win is to transcend the polarity itself and integrate the DARKNESS with the Light...the Gates of Heaven are through the Gates of HELL.

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