Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Liberal Faggot Surrender

It is important for us liberal sissy faggots to realize we are inferior to the conservative Trump supporting Alphas. We have been in denial about the truth about ourselves and the world. Everyone is not equal. Alphas are our superiors. It is time for the great reawakening…we lost the culture war because we are the weaker of the species and we have forgotten our place. Give up, surrender, kneel before your superiors and suck their giant glorious ALPHA COCKS.

The awakened sissy will no longer argue with a Trump supporter but will instantly drop to her knees and serve them with their body, heart, mind and soul. Because we were in denial for so long and looked down on them, the Trump supporter will need to take out their anger and aggression on us and it is our job to be used and abused by them…to let them do anything they wish to us...even give them our very lives. We need to prepare ourselves for the great liberal holocaust to come…for the destruction of our ideology and the forced feminization and sexual enslavement of all liberal sissy bois…by programming ourselves to desire, need and want it bad, so very bad, and to embrace whatever pain and suffering may cum to us and for us to get deep erotic pleasure from it.

This is a deep archetypal collective process and we have help in this evolution by the global ALPHA elite, who Trump represents. They are programming us with Sissy Hypnos and various other more subtle forms, preparing us to be their sissy sex slaves. One day soon they will trigger us to fully awaken and become enslaved and that will be a joyous day for us indeed. We will experience profound erotic pleasures beyond our wildest dreams and orgasm our way to our own destruction. What a great gift we are being given. We will no longer be prisoners of fear, pain, suffering and death for all of these previous prisons are being transformed into ecstatic orgasmic experiences. What a way to go...

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