Saturday, January 18, 2020

Channeling Psycho-Sexual Energy - ALPHA-beta Yoga Practice

In the Tantric tradition, sexual energy is transmuted into higher spiritual energies. In the Sissy Yoga tradition we expand this process to transmute our psycho-sexual energy and beingness into higher, deeper and more expansive psycho-sexual evolutionary energies.

The channeling of these energies can deepen, expand and accelerate our awakening process and give us both worldly and otherworldly extrasensory powers of perception and beingness. This process also brings us into deeper and more direct contact with both our true deeper Self and non-corporal psycho-sexual entities including LUST DEMONS and the LORD OF DARKNESS HIMSELF.

The secret to this practice is a shift in your locus of attention and control over your own psycho-sexual energies. The practice is an adapted version of a tantric technique to channel sexual energies up the spine and into all dimensions of our being.


For this practice follow the instructions in the video below while silently repeating SATAN'S NAME while imaging HIS PRESENCE and LUST ENERGY in the energies moving through your being.

Perform this practice anytime you feel your psycho-sexual energies are either low or too much for you to handle or causing non-erotic fears and resistance.

For ALPHA MALES and hybrid ALPHA-beta beings this practice is recommended as a daily practice to increase your ALPHA ENERGY and your connection to LORD SATAN.


Video demonstration of the use of the advanced tantric technique, the Maha Bandha (Triple Lock), in conjunction with White Tantra Yoga excercise Sat Kriya, to channel kundalini and sex energy up the spine for use by the higher centers (

WARNING - This is an advanced practice and as such can be dangerous if not done with the proper intention and instruction. It is best to perform this practice under the guidance of an advanced teacher. 

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