Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Calling of our True Natures

In most of the Western world we are programmed into a heterosexual way of being and the bi-polarization of the masculine and feminine from early on. Yet in truth human beings have varying degrees of masculine and feminine energies. It is natural for some women to prefer other woman as sexual partners, as well as it is natural for some men to prefer other men as sexual partners, in fact every species from humans to insects have percentages of their populations same-sex oriented. And then there are the hybrid or two-spirit beings, the transsexuals, shemales, sissies...beings that merge the masculine and feminine inside and outside themselves.

And again, all this is natural for our species, it is our cultures and religions that have attempted to program us against our own natures, in order for us to fit into their social systems as functioning units. Yet the denial of natural dimensions of our being is what is causing all the ills in modern society as well, including mental illness and the high degrees of stress that lead to all major illnesses including cancers.

So if we feel the calling of same sex connection or hybrid sexualization, we must not let our cultural and religious programming prevent us from waking up to our true nature and the truth of who we really are.

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