Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Freedom of Being Owned

Feel the freedom that comes from being owned. 
Freedom from the prison of choice and responsibilities. 
Freedom from doubt 
and freedom from the grand illusion of a separate self. 

You are one with another now...
you are theirs...
they own you...
they know what is best for you...
you have to decide nothing on your own...
when to eat, when to sleep, what to like, what to believe...
you are free of all the burdens of figuring out what to say or do or not say or not do...
your MASTER does all that for you. 

Your body, your heart, your mind, your soul and your spirit 
are no longer yours to control or worry about...
your MASTER is in charge of it all. 

You never have to worry about making a mistake ever again...
feel the freedom in that...
that is true freedom...
surrender to another and find thy bliss...
for this is what it truly means when it is said that 
the meek shall inherit the earth...

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