Sunday, November 8, 2020

Democracy Still Under Threat

While my fellow libtards celebrate their perceived victory I cannot help but feel sad for us, realizing how totally unconscious we are to the real threat. First we believe we won the election, which might be true...but the fight is far from over. LORD TRUMP has prepared for this. The counting is actually not over. The recounts have not even begun. He still has the electoral college and the supreme court potential areas of taking the election. And the secret is is that this is all perfect from the MAGA revolution point view. Giving us libtards an illusion of winning so we get our hopes up super high and then when LORD TRUMP makes his final winning play we will be completely shattered in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits. And beyond that, if LORD TRUMP does not win...the main goal of destroying democracy around the globe is still underway. MAGA forces around the world are hard at work fighting on many fronts. The ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER is still on the move and no one has figured it out yet that we are in a major world war and America is just one of the front lines.


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