Friday, November 6, 2020

Stealing the Election

As we watch LORD TRUMP stealing the election, his MAGA cult base joyously swallows every lie more deeply than ever, while us red-pilled libtards get off on him shitting all over our values, traditions and laws and democracy itself.



  1. Well, you were wrong and Lord Trump had the election stolen from him.80 million votes for the chinese puppet Biden. most of them made in china. Its now time for you to fight for your Lord Trump. Restore him to his rightfull place as winner. or you will rerally kno whats its like to get fucked by the chinese, FAGGOT!!

    1. Well we will have to disagree on this one. First off, having been a libtard I can tell you we are weak, stupid and do not have the capacity to steal the election this well. Secondly, I am privy to inside info from high up in several DEEP MAGA groups and the consensus is that this was the plan all along, that if enough libtards voted against LORD TRUMP, he would take the country by any means necessary for the ends justify the means for a powerful ALPHA like LORD TRUMP. The plan was to let the libtards think they won and then say they stole the election while LORD TRUMP steals it from them. Then when he succeeds either by getting any election fraud case to the SUPREME MAGA COURT, or by MAGAtizing the electoral college, or if all else fails to use the MAGAtized military to take it from them. This will shatter us libtards completely and break us down to the point of no return and activate of our beta slave nature.

    2. And even though I disagree with you, I bow before your MAGA cyber-presence and thank you deeply for directing your powerful ALPHA ENERGY at me and talking down to me. It brings me much erotic joy.
