Monday, November 9, 2020

The False Libtard High

This high we libtards are feeling right now is all part of the plan...this is going to be our finally "loser" crash and burn. LORD TRUMP prepared for all of this...the plan was to make us feel like we won, experience that high, and then pull the rug out from under us. After four years of gaslighting and psychological abuse, this will seal the deal and destroy our spirits and throw us into free fall down the Rabbit Hole. The Supreme Court is in LORD TRUMP's hands and they will do his will and help him steal the election from us. Remember, for MAGA ALPHA MALES, winning is all that matters and the ends justify any means necessary. We will have two months worth of having the rug pulled out from under us deeply over and over until we are all shattered and ready to serve the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER.



  1. I pray for this outcome everyday. next year will be the year of our lord Trump 01/01/0001
