Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Liberal TRUMP Abuse Withdrawal Syndrome


After four years of mass psychological abuse and gaslighting by TRUMP and the MAGA movement, many liberals are now suffering from abuse withdrawal. This withdrawal is natural for those who have experienced long term psychological abuse. This is being amplified by the media's suppression of all MAGA content online. This suppression leads to psychological repression of the effects of the abuse and produces extreme yearning for a return to the abusive state. This is why so many more liberals are secretly masturbating to MAGA porn and why so many of them are graduating to WHITE Supremacy porn. 

This is all a very natural process and will grow and grow until the MAGA and WHITE Supremacy movement will take over the collective consciousness of America. We will most likely see a return of LORD TRUMP to power, as well as more and more hard core ALPHA WHITE MALES taking back the reigns of power around the world. 

We liberals are caught in a deep psychologically pathological self-destruction spiral and gradually we will evolve into a slave class for the ALPHA MALE New World Order as our Neo-Liberal World Order succumbs to our pathologies and the primal natural order of humanity returns to take control of our bodies, hearts, souls, spirits and all of human civilization.

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