Sunday, June 7, 2020

Embracing Your True Sissy Self

Modern society tells us beta males that we are ALPHAS, and postmodern culture tells us to be ALPHAS domesticated into betas, and traditional cultures warn us that if we show our beta-ness we will be eternally dammed. These three programming forces in our civilization produce a schizophrenic male persona false self that we live inside every moment of our lives...until we start to wake up to our true self and learn how to embrace it.

This is where sissy hypno programming cums deprogram us of our false self and reprogram us into our true sissy self... a true self forgotten by our own society.

And with special psycho-spiritual sexual hypno programming like we do at the Church of Transformative Sexuality, we can awaken to our true purpose and function society in an even deeper and more expansive way.

Only the primal traditions remember the truth of who we are...they know we are in truth Two-Spirit beings who walk between all worlds and serve the Great COCK GOD.

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