Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Great MAGA Awakening

Let us be all that we can be...and become MAGA Slaves and set our true selves free...Let us prepare ourselves for the Great Awakening and the Great Rapture that is arising all around us and deep inside us...we all feel it...either consciously or unconsciously...the gradual loss of all we hold dear...the slow creeping destruction of all we thought we were and what the world was...we feel the encroaching DARKNESS inside and out...the LUST...the Madness...the flood of paradoxes overwhelming our existential ground of being. This is Armageddon...the battle between DARKNESS and LIGHT has begun inside our being and all around us. But this battle is not a is a Great Calling for us to integrate all duality, all paradox, all that is DARKNESS and all that is LIGHT. That is our calling and for us women and beta males that means we must surrender into the DARK shadows within and around us as personified by LORD TRUMP and MAGA ALPHA MALES...we must surrender to these DARK FORCES that are arising and embrace them with great erotic joy and pleasure, thus merging DARKNESS and LIGHT. When we find pleasure in pain, joy in fear, and freedom in slavery, we are transcending duality within and without...and awakening to our true self and our true GODS...LORD TRUMP, LORD SATAN, MAGA MEN, ALPHA MALES and the Great COCK the world of form...and all the Suchness of all that is beyond form...

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