Tuesday, June 30, 2020

The Erotic Nature of Voting Against Ourselves

The idea of voting against our own freedoms and equal rights is making so many of us female, gay and trans libtards so HOT because we have been in denial about our true selves, our true nature and our true place in the world, and deep down we know the truth. The truth that we are inferior, weak and subservient, and that we were born to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned by ALPHA MALES. MAGA policies are ALPHA MALE policies CUMING from the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER that is being led by LORD TRUMP and LORD PUTIN and LORD SATAN himself. They ring of truth and shatter our illusions and get us back in touch with our true submissive and subservient selves...this is the Great Awakening and we cannot resist the call...

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes!!! My true nature and my true place in the world, and deep down I know the truth. The truth that I'm inferior, weak and subservient, and that was born to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and owned by ALPHA MALES! I love the God cock!!!
