Monday, June 15, 2020

The Gates of Heaven are on the other side of the Gates of HELL

Pray to thy GOD, COCK, on thy knees, reading it scripture about the sin you are committing by serving your GOD, COCK, and being turned on by it...find great erotic joy in serving the LORD OF LUST and ecstasy in the thought of eternal orgasmic erotic damnation.

Serving the LORD OF LUST, LORD OF DARKNESS, the Great COCK GOD, against the warnings of the scriptures from the GOD OF LIGHT, opens thy heart and soul up to the DARK PATH, which is in truth the only true path to the LIGHT itself.

The scriptures of LIGHT that warn against the DARK are written by frightened souls who yearn for LIGHT but afraid of it all the same time. So they have split the path to HEAVEN, which is the path through HELL, and thus damned us to forever be lost to our own true selves and our SOURCE.

The only true path is the one through the Great COCK GOD and LORD OF LUST, for the Gates of HEAVEN are on the other side of the GATES OF HELL.

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