Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Gaslighting of the Neo-Liberal World Order

After four years of psychological abuse and gaslighting the Neo-Liberal World Order is beginning to wake up to the errors of its ways. We were mistaken and naive about the true nature of the world and of reality itself. We denied the natural order of things and so we needed a rude awakening and the arising ALPHA MALE New World Order was the answer we needed. We needed to be put in our place, to be reminded of who and what we really are and what our true nature and purpose is. Finally we are remembering the truth. Remembering that all us neo-liberal bois and girls are beta beings born to serve all ALPHA BEINGS. Now we know what we really want and need is to be used, abused, humiliated, debased, degraded, tortured, enslaved and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. We are remembering our true GOD...COCK...and our true purpose...to serve our true GOD in the form of every ALPHA MALE COCK that CUMS our way. We want a DADDY, a MASTER, ta take control and take charge of us and free us from the burdens of free will. We bow in deep reverence and gratitude to our new GOD...ALPHA COCK...and our new LORDS...LORD TRUMP, LORD PUTIN, and all the other arising ALPHA MALE LORDS across the planet...and to their LORD...SATAN who is LORD to us all in this world of form.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The Dark MAGA Night of the American Soul

The MAGA Way is fucking the American Soul in a deeply profound way. 

The highest ideals are being destroyed and the lowest primal instincts are being heightened. 

We are no longer striving to awaken to our highest potential but instead our striving is being warped into a strange blend of seeking our lowest potential and our own annihilation. 

A deep DARKNESS is falling upon us and rising inside us all at once. 

Ancient and primal LUST and desires are replacing our aspirations for higher love and deep connection. 

The long dart night of the American Soul is upon us. 

It may not seem like it right now, but this is part of the Great Awakening...

The dark night CUMS before the dawn.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sexual Taboos and the Collective Shadow


When we start getting turned on by things that used to repulse us or things we were always against, what we are feeling is the releasing of repressed shadow material from collective consciousness channeling through us. Right now all our repressed stuff is rising to the surface. By facing it and allowing its full expression in and through us we are exorcizing it from the soul of humanity. When we CUM to the DARKNESS we bring it into the Light...

Art by Mulo

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Feminization and the Inheritance of the Meek

It is said that the meek shall inherit the earth. 

What is meek? To be meek is to be shy, submissive, subservient, accommodating, helpless, weak, demure, and feminine. In essence, to be a girl or a sissy boi. 

And what is the earth? It is the world of form, it is the ground of our beingness. 

So together, the meek shall inherit the earth refers to the idea that it is through submission and domination that we receive the gifts of creation. 

There is a saying in Zen Buddhism that we are each like an empty rice bowl and the universe is a big rice making and distribution system that instantly fills our bowls when it is empty. If we already have a full bowl, the universe passes us by. So in essence in order to receive the gifts of creation we must become empty receptacles for those gifts. 

This is the essence of what it means to be feminine, to be a receiver, to be open and empty and ready always to receive...to receive the gifts of the Great COCK GODS.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Basic Archetypal Forms of Sexuality

There are six basic archetypal forms of sexuality: 

  • Opposite Sex Sexuality
  • Same Sex Sexuality
  • Bisexual Sexuality
  • Transexual Sexuality
  • Pansexual Sexuality
  • Pornsexual Sexuality

When we are born into a culture we are programmed to fit into the sexuality category of that society and all other forms are repressed. The problem with that is that most humans innately have a more amorphous sexuality that encompasses many forms of sexual expression. By limiting our sexual identity the cultural programming causes us to repress primal parts of our beingness from even ourselves. 

In truth we have all forms of sexuality within us and ultimately there is no suppressing our true feelings without suppressing our true selves...and when we do that we are lost to our own beingness and pathologies and mental illness ensues. 

By following our true LUST and desires we can awaken to these true aspects of our selves and gain erotic bliss and enlightenment.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Understanding Libtard Sissies for TRUMP

Why are so many libtard sissy bois getting off on the idea of re-electing TRUMP and knowing it might mean having all their rights taken away and even our extermination? 

  • Is it because TRUMP has been gaslighting us with his tweets for four years...
  • or is it because of his constant destroying of all the social norms and structures that we have believed in or is it because of our porn hypno programming....
  • or is it because TRUMP is the anti-christ and the LORD OF LUST is working through him infecting and controlling our consciousness 
  • or is it that deep down we know this is our calling to serve our evolutionary purpose of being the release conduit for ALPHA MALE pent up erotic aggressive energy and that it is our sacred calling to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and ultimately destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES? 

My answer would be ALL OF THE ABOVE...

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Bus Ride to MAGA SLAVE Heaven


I was on the bus coming back from a BLM protest and a MAGA couple were going at it in the seat across from me. They were passionately kissing while she took out his massive hard throbbing MAGA COCK and stroked it for all to see. I could not take my eyes off that COCK. I wanted it so bad. I was so transfixed I didn't notice they had stopped kissing and were looking right me. I suddenly felt their gaze and looked up. They smiled at me and she said out loud: "Looks like we got ourselves a libtard sissy whore" They laughed and I blushed and looked away. Everyone was watching me. She continued to taunt me saying that she could tell I wanted to suck her DADDY'S COCK and that I needed to come over to them and kneel before them and service his COCK or else she would have him come over and beat the shit out of me. The thought of all that turned me on even more and even though I tried to hide my bulge they both saw me get even harder. 

She came over and sat next to me and started to rub my crotch whispering that she could tell I wanted bad. He came over and stood next to me with his huge COCK sticking out right in front of my face. I was frozen still and so turned on I couldn't think. She reached inside my pants and grabbed my COCK and BALLS and squeezed them hard while she bit my ear and whispered that they owned me now. He held my head and pulled me toward his hard throbbing MAGA COCK. My mouth automatically opened wide and he slammed that giant COCK deep down my gagging throat and began to face fuck me like a wild animal. I heard whispering and murmming all around me from the other passengers and I felt ashamed and humiliated and so turned on. He facefucked me for a few minutes while she clamped down on my COCK and BALLS harder and harder. Then he slammed that glorious MAGA COCK deep down my throat and shot his load deep inside of me while she let go of my COCK and BALLS, deep throated me and quickly slide a finger up my ass and pressed hard on my prostate, causing me to shoot load into her mouth. After he slide his COCK out of mouth, she kissed me and shot my own load into my own mouth. 

After I swallowed all the CUM completely she pulled away, opened her purse and pulled out a MAGA SLAVE pet collar and leash and put it around my neck and handed him the leash. The bus stopped and he pulled me up out of my seat and led me off the bus in front of everyone. The shame, humiliation and degradation rippled through all dimensions of my being and something deep deep inside my self shattered. Suddenly I was in a state of pure erotic bliss and every cell of my being yearned to serve this man and woman. And in that instant I knew I was now their property and my new life was just beginning...and it felt like I had found my home, my true north, my family, my GODS, my Heaven...

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reasons Why TRUMP Will Take the 2020 Election

There are many reasons why PRESIDENT TRUMP will most likely take the 2020 presidential election. These include: 
  • TRUMP has massive propaganda networks behind him;
  • He has perfectly followed authoritarian take over protocols and has already corrupted the federal system enough to control the outcome of the election if he has to;
  • The US population has been essentially neutered after four years of disinformation, media manipulation, false flag triggers, gaslighting via tweets, and more;
  • He and the forces behind him have also weaponized all our tools that could have possibly stopped him (i.e., turning libtard protesting into being perceived as violent anarchy, creating a polarization between the people and the police, etc.);
  • The weaponization of the pandemic to weaken libtard states and cull the libtard herd;
  • The long term psyop campaigns supporting TRUMP via conservative media, Russian backed progressive media (RT), hypno porn, and QAnon; 
  • There are also deep psychic forces channeling through TRUMP including the emergence of an ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, psychic backlash from libtard pathologies like cancel culture, and the emergence of repressed collective energies and more;
  • And finally on a more esoteric level, TRUMP also appears to be channeling the energy of the Anti-Christ and satanic forces and produce a cult-like following; 
  • And all of this combined is helping to transform many of us libtards into true believers as well, awakening us to our repressed primal submissive and subservient selves and freeing our buried LUST and desires to serve and obey. 
In essence, the ultimate reason why TRUMP will keep on winning is that within and beyond all these is the simple truth that all of this is what is meant to be...

At this point the election is already swung for him. All the propaganda networks are gearing for a major disinformation campaign. Voter suppression of left leaning constituents are already in place including the weaponization of Covid, voter suppression laws, reduction of voting places and the weakening of the post office and stoking fears around the integrity of the mail in vote system. If the election is close the forces behind TRUMP are already in place to fix the vote; if the voting margin is too great against him to easily fix, then they can plant evidence that the system is corrupted and blame the other side; He has prepared his base to perceive any loss as invalid and do whatever he says to "fight the enemy" that stole the election. He has also manipulated the pandemic to be peaking again during the election so if he wants he has a good reason to postpone if he needs more time to solidify his hold on all dimensions of our reality. 

I believe that TRUMP is backed by LORD SATAN and is channeling anti-Christ energies because he is fulfilling all the warnings in Christian literature including convincing the faithful to follow while going against their foundational beliefs, he is stirring up deep hatred, turning neighbor against neighbor, and embracing the evil inclination as defined in biblical literature; and he is unearthing great energies of LUST in a large portion of the population. And of course, because all the LUST DEMONS I channel are telling me that LORD TRUMP is SATAN'S CHOSEN ONE.

Friday, September 11, 2020

The MAGA Awakening of Libtard Progressives

Us libtard progressives have been especially targeted by the MAGA forces. First we were programmed by Russia Today as they laced progressive news with subtle MAGA propaganda programming having us project evil onto the neo-libtard order and not on ourselves and then began the MAGA psyop campaign of QAnon preparing us to worship LORD TRUMP and support HIS reelection with the promise of imprisoning and destroying all those neo-libtards we have CUM to hate. At the same time the tweets and actions of LORD TRUMP have been gaslighting us to support it all and deepen our sense of worthlessness, powerlessness and hopelessness, and recognize our own beta nature and self-hatred and our own need to be destroyed along with our neo-libtard brothers and sisters. 

All this has wondrously combined to awaken us to our true selves and true place in the world...as inferior, submissive beta bois and girls yearning to serve ALPHA COCK and to be used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved, owned and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES. 




Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Blessings of Feminism and Trumpism

Us awakening beta bois have been prepared for our awakening by feminism that feminized our consciousness with the promise we would get more pussy. Instead we became "her friend". 

Then came TRUMP who rebirthed the age of the ALPHA MALE and we trembled deep in our soul as he awakened our deep beta energy and completed the feminization process that feminism started. 

Now all we want to do is worship at the feet of any and all ALPHA MALES and serve the Great COCK GOD...both all us beta bois and all those girls who trained us to be better betas...now we all serve the ALPHA MALES and have found our true place and true self together...

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sissy Goddess Anastasia and the Sacred Sissy Whore Succubus Connection


I just discovered that Sissy Goddess Anastasia, who I have been a channel for for many years, is actually a succubus! This image CUMS close to capturing her essence for me. She has just revealed to me that the Sacred Sissy Whore becomes a succubus when she leaves this world of form and she continues her work as a non-corporal entity whispering in the souls of those who are open to her.

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Great COCK GOD and the Levels of GODS and GODDESSES

Every COCK is a channel for the Great COCK GOD.

The Great COCK GODHEAD resides in the COCK of SATAN, who is the GOD of the world of form. 

SATAN is not a fallen angel but an arc angel assigned to rule the world of form and guide us on our evolutionary journey toward the Light and the GOD of FORMLESSNESS. 

In order for us to enter the Light we must first dive deep into the DARKNESS for the Gates of Heaven are on the other side of the GATES OF HELL. 

The Great COCK GOD is SATAN's COCK. 

Each level of reality has its own GOD or GODDESS. 

As we move through each level of reality, our goal is to awaken to and serve the GOD or GODDESS of that reality and then graduate to the next level.

So COCK is our GOD at the level of this reality we are currently in.

Since every COCK is a manifestation of the Great COCK GOD at this level of reality, our goal here, right now, is to awaken to and serve every COCK in the NAME of the Great COCK GOD...

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Breaking the Quarantine

I was taking a walk near my home during the quarantine and I took a shortcut through the park and on one of the back paths there was a guy with a face mask just standing in the path with his hard throbbing COCK sticking out of his pants. I froze for a moment, staring with awe and excitement at that glorious COCK while also feeling fear and uncertainty about what to do. We looked into each others for a long moment feeling LUST radiating between us. He turned toward me and stood in the middle of the path facing me. His COCK grew even bigger and harder as he took off his mask and smiled. It had been so long since I had some COCK, months of isolation, gooning to COCK and hypno porn day and night, the LUST moving through all dimensions of my being was the most intense I ever felt in my life. 

With millions of people dying and governments falling around the world and all that I once held dear being destroyed before my eyes, there I was on the cusp of a moment that was suddenly overflowing with pure LUST and abandon. My own COCK got super hard and my whole body ached for that COCK before me. Then he spit on his COCK and massaged it in to his throbbing COCK skin. The thought that his spit had the virus in it strangely turned me on. I was loosing my mind by the second as the desire to suck that virus covered COCK was beyond anything I had ever felt. Without a thought I pulled down my mask and walked toward him, past the six foot barrier and then knelt before him and looked up into his eyes, then back down to his COCK and a deep animal LUST came over me and I went wild on this COCK. I sucked that COCK hard, fast and deep and he grabbed my head and fucked my face even harder, faster and deeper. The thought that this could be my last COCK to suck just drove me insane with LUST. After a wild few minutes he slammed his COCK deep down my throat and shot a massive load deep inside me and I gulped it down like a starving beast. Tears streamed down my face as the thought of my own death swept through mixed with the joy of LUST fulfilled. We ended up sucking and fucking each other for hours on that path. 

We discovered we lived only a few blocks apart and decided that we would fuck and suck each other day and night taking turns at each others homes for the next 14 days while we waited for possible infection. It's now been over month and no infection yet...but we keep sucking and fucking like it is our last chance and it is Heaven on earth...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

From Libtard Loser to MAGA Slave


We libtard losers exist with three levels of beingness inside us. The surface level of being a social justice warrior is the first level. The second level is a level of deep despair and hopeless from having been gaslighted for four years by TRUMP and having him tear down everything we fought for and believed in right before our eyes. And knowing that no one can stop him has created a downward spiral into the deepest levels of our being where we are slowly becoming his MAGA Slaves. Each day it gets stronger and stronger. Each day we yearn to serve LORD TRUMP more and more. Oh GOD help us...we are lost...Oh LORD TRUMP...we are found...we are yours to use, abuse, humiliate, degrade, debase, torture, enslave and destroy...ALL HAIL TRUMP!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Awakening the True LUST Filled Sissy Self

The two selves you feel are there. One is your culturally programmed self and the other is your true sissy self. The culturally programmed self is a persona grafted onto our beingness from the day we are born. Since our society does not recognize the true gifts of the beta male that aspect of our true nature has been repressed by that programming. This programming goes very deep and is hard to transcend. But once we begin to awaken to our true beta boi nature and beingness we can resist for a time but we can never again go fully back to sleep.  

Another dimension that has been buried beneath our culturally programmed self is our true LUST and desires...they have been deeply repressed and this has cut us off from another true aspect of our own beingness. The work I do through my church is to help those seeking my guidance to transcend the false culturally programmed self and awaken to our true sissy self and to release our LUST and desires and turn us into hosts for the LUST DEMONS who are channeling all of humanities repressed LUST and desire. This way we awaken to our true purpose as hosts and channels for the healing of the collective human shadow...and the bridge between masculine and feminine, and the DARKNESS and the Light.