Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Basic Archetypal Forms of Sexuality

There are six basic archetypal forms of sexuality: 

  • Opposite Sex Sexuality
  • Same Sex Sexuality
  • Bisexual Sexuality
  • Transexual Sexuality
  • Pansexual Sexuality
  • Pornsexual Sexuality

When we are born into a culture we are programmed to fit into the sexuality category of that society and all other forms are repressed. The problem with that is that most humans innately have a more amorphous sexuality that encompasses many forms of sexual expression. By limiting our sexual identity the cultural programming causes us to repress primal parts of our beingness from even ourselves. 

In truth we have all forms of sexuality within us and ultimately there is no suppressing our true feelings without suppressing our true selves...and when we do that we are lost to our own beingness and pathologies and mental illness ensues. 

By following our true LUST and desires we can awaken to these true aspects of our selves and gain erotic bliss and enlightenment.

1 comment:

  1. Ooohh How I LOVE this place... I am buying an apartment here....!! I sooo LOVE..!!
