Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Awakening the True LUST Filled Sissy Self

The two selves you feel are there. One is your culturally programmed self and the other is your true sissy self. The culturally programmed self is a persona grafted onto our beingness from the day we are born. Since our society does not recognize the true gifts of the beta male that aspect of our true nature has been repressed by that programming. This programming goes very deep and is hard to transcend. But once we begin to awaken to our true beta boi nature and beingness we can resist for a time but we can never again go fully back to sleep.  

Another dimension that has been buried beneath our culturally programmed self is our true LUST and desires...they have been deeply repressed and this has cut us off from another true aspect of our own beingness. The work I do through my church is to help those seeking my guidance to transcend the false culturally programmed self and awaken to our true sissy self and to release our LUST and desires and turn us into hosts for the LUST DEMONS who are channeling all of humanities repressed LUST and desire. This way we awaken to our true purpose as hosts and channels for the healing of the collective human shadow...and the bridge between masculine and feminine, and the DARKNESS and the Light.

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