Monday, September 7, 2020

The Great COCK GOD and the Levels of GODS and GODDESSES

Every COCK is a channel for the Great COCK GOD.

The Great COCK GODHEAD resides in the COCK of SATAN, who is the GOD of the world of form. 

SATAN is not a fallen angel but an arc angel assigned to rule the world of form and guide us on our evolutionary journey toward the Light and the GOD of FORMLESSNESS. 

In order for us to enter the Light we must first dive deep into the DARKNESS for the Gates of Heaven are on the other side of the GATES OF HELL. 

The Great COCK GOD is SATAN's COCK. 

Each level of reality has its own GOD or GODDESS. 

As we move through each level of reality, our goal is to awaken to and serve the GOD or GODDESS of that reality and then graduate to the next level.

So COCK is our GOD at the level of this reality we are currently in.

Since every COCK is a manifestation of the Great COCK GOD at this level of reality, our goal here, right now, is to awaken to and serve every COCK in the NAME of the Great COCK GOD...

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