Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Feminization and the Inheritance of the Meek

It is said that the meek shall inherit the earth. 

What is meek? To be meek is to be shy, submissive, subservient, accommodating, helpless, weak, demure, and feminine. In essence, to be a girl or a sissy boi. 

And what is the earth? It is the world of form, it is the ground of our beingness. 

So together, the meek shall inherit the earth refers to the idea that it is through submission and domination that we receive the gifts of creation. 

There is a saying in Zen Buddhism that we are each like an empty rice bowl and the universe is a big rice making and distribution system that instantly fills our bowls when it is empty. If we already have a full bowl, the universe passes us by. So in essence in order to receive the gifts of creation we must become empty receptacles for those gifts. 

This is the essence of what it means to be feminine, to be a receiver, to be open and empty and ready always to receive the gifts of the Great COCK GODS.

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