Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reasons Why TRUMP Will Take the 2020 Election

There are many reasons why PRESIDENT TRUMP will most likely take the 2020 presidential election. These include: 
  • TRUMP has massive propaganda networks behind him;
  • He has perfectly followed authoritarian take over protocols and has already corrupted the federal system enough to control the outcome of the election if he has to;
  • The US population has been essentially neutered after four years of disinformation, media manipulation, false flag triggers, gaslighting via tweets, and more;
  • He and the forces behind him have also weaponized all our tools that could have possibly stopped him (i.e., turning libtard protesting into being perceived as violent anarchy, creating a polarization between the people and the police, etc.);
  • The weaponization of the pandemic to weaken libtard states and cull the libtard herd;
  • The long term psyop campaigns supporting TRUMP via conservative media, Russian backed progressive media (RT), hypno porn, and QAnon; 
  • There are also deep psychic forces channeling through TRUMP including the emergence of an ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, psychic backlash from libtard pathologies like cancel culture, and the emergence of repressed collective energies and more;
  • And finally on a more esoteric level, TRUMP also appears to be channeling the energy of the Anti-Christ and satanic forces and produce a cult-like following; 
  • And all of this combined is helping to transform many of us libtards into true believers as well, awakening us to our repressed primal submissive and subservient selves and freeing our buried LUST and desires to serve and obey. 
In essence, the ultimate reason why TRUMP will keep on winning is that within and beyond all these is the simple truth that all of this is what is meant to be...

At this point the election is already swung for him. All the propaganda networks are gearing for a major disinformation campaign. Voter suppression of left leaning constituents are already in place including the weaponization of Covid, voter suppression laws, reduction of voting places and the weakening of the post office and stoking fears around the integrity of the mail in vote system. If the election is close the forces behind TRUMP are already in place to fix the vote; if the voting margin is too great against him to easily fix, then they can plant evidence that the system is corrupted and blame the other side; He has prepared his base to perceive any loss as invalid and do whatever he says to "fight the enemy" that stole the election. He has also manipulated the pandemic to be peaking again during the election so if he wants he has a good reason to postpone if he needs more time to solidify his hold on all dimensions of our reality. 

I believe that TRUMP is backed by LORD SATAN and is channeling anti-Christ energies because he is fulfilling all the warnings in Christian literature including convincing the faithful to follow while going against their foundational beliefs, he is stirring up deep hatred, turning neighbor against neighbor, and embracing the evil inclination as defined in biblical literature; and he is unearthing great energies of LUST in a large portion of the population. And of course, because all the LUST DEMONS I channel are telling me that LORD TRUMP is SATAN'S CHOSEN ONE.

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