Sunday, February 28, 2021

MAGA Withdrawal

After over four years of large scale MAGA gaslighting and psychological abuse us libtards have become addicted to the abuse and the abusers. After LORD TRUMP left the White House we were shocked at ourselves for we were not happy at all, there was an emptiness in the pit of our stomachs and a sense of panic in not having our abuser constantly shattering one of our ideals or turning me into a loser again, and again, and again. 

We tried to pretend to be happy for all our other libtard friends, but inside, all this time we have been craving and missing our LORD TRUMP's tweet attacks, we miss having a strong ALPHA MALE in charge of our lives, an ALPHA who treats us as objects to be used and abused and discarded or destroyed when our ALPHA MASTER no longer finds pleasure in us. 

We cannot deny it any longer...we are going through MAGA withdrawal and our MAGA hunger cannot be contained...inside us there is a whisper rising...if we listen closely we can hear it's calling: MAGA, MAGA, MAGA...TRUMP 2024... 



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.



Saturday, February 27, 2021

Prayer for SATAN

Attention all members and initiates of the Church of Transformative Sexuality: 

This new Daily Prayer for the cleaving to our LORD SATAN has been added to the Church's core practice. 


O mighty LORD SATAN,

GOD of this world,

GOD of my flesh,

GOD of my mind,

GOD of my innermost Will!

Every part of this world is within Your power.

You are within every part of this world.

Every part of me is within Your power.

You are within every part of me.

I am Yours, whether I serve You willingly or not,

for I am myself, whether I am true to myself or not.

Of my own free will, I now acknowledge Your power.

Of my own free will, I now present myself to You...

Friday, February 26, 2021


SUCKING FOR SATAN is the most profoundly erotic experience one could ever have. Once you feel that level of erotic energy, there is no going back, you are hooked on it for all eternity...for nothing feels as real as this...


Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Four Year Plan

During the next four years the Great Awakening of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER with be complete and all us libtards will be completely reprogrammed and awakened to our proper place in the world as inferior, weaker, submissive, subservient beings born to serve all ALPHAS. And we will vote in huge numbers to affirms that LORD TRUMP (and his decendants) is, are and will always be our ALPHA KINGS and QUEENS. And as we watch the news unfold at that moment, we will be gooning to the thought and prayer that our new GODS and MASTERS be given total control of our existence and that in hopes of this we hereby relinquish of our own free will, all our rights and privileges as equal human beings...but instead we wish to be viewed as objects to be owned and used and abused by any and all ALPHA MALE MASTERS.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Being Schooled in COCK

My older brother caught me dressing in our recently deceased dead mother's clothes and makeup. Both of mother and father died in a car accident the week before. My brother had just turned 18 and be was now my guardian. He freaked out when he saw me and started yelling at me and calling me a sissy faggot. He slapped me around and then put me across his lap and lifted up my skirt and pulled down my panties and started to spank me, calling me a bad girl. Saying that I was no longer his brother and was now his sister. And that from now on since I liked wearing mom's clothes that I would be taking mom's place doing all the cooking and the cleaning and doing his laundry and did everything I was told to do. I was crying and saying "yes sir" to everything he said to me. My own COCK was getting hard and pressing into his lap. As he spanked me more and more we both got hard my my throbbing COCK was pressing into his throbbing bulge inside his pants. He stopped spanking me and commanded me to get on all fours. I did as he commanded without hesitation. He then proceeded to pop my anal virginity and I screamed from the most pain I have ever experienced that was strangely intertwined with the greatest pleasure I have ever known. As my screams turned into grunts and groans as he began fucking me hard and deep, he whispered that I would also be his sissy sex slave whore and that he was going to make my wishes come true and use my college money for hormone treatments and surgery to turn me into a hot sissy babe that can go out and whore on the streets for him and make him a lot of money. For the next few months my brother schooled me in how to serve his COCK and awakened in me a hunger to serve all COCKS. 

He made me go back to school as a girl. And I was humiliated constantly and was constantly turned on by that humiliation. The bullies all beat me up and some of them fucked me afterward in secret. Most of my friends shunned me but my best friend Jake stuck by me. After a few weeks we were talking on our way home from school and he asked me if being a girl was truly what I wanted. I said yes. He asked if they meant I wanted to have sex with boys and not girls. And I whispered yes. And then he stopped and looked deeply into my eyes and asked if I was attracted to him sexually. He asked in a very strange way and I could not tell if he was just curious or if he really wanted me to want him and that he wanted me too. I blushed and stammering and looked away and hesitantly whispered to him that yes, I was attracted to him sexually and that I loved him and wanted to be his slave and that all I wanted to do right then was to suck his COCK and have him fuck me and then pleasure him all day and night. After a long awkward silence I turned to face him and he passionately kissed me on the lips and we were instantly deeply French kissing each other and mashing our bulging crotches into each other. We ended up naked and ravaging each other behind some bushes at the local park. Needless to say I was deeply and completely overjoyed to be having all my dreams CUM true.


Monday, February 22, 2021

The True Meaning of MAGA

For me, this is the real meaning of MAGA for me...Make Alphas Gods Again! This is the essence of the MAGA way for myself and many others. We love serving MAGA cock. It makes us feel whole and complete...without MAGA COCK, I am incomplete...

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Covid Sex Madness

I have been in quarantine for 9 months...I have long haul covid...I have been doing sissy hypnos and hormones for 2 years...and I broke down and have gone completely mad...I went on Craig's List and laid it all out and said I was ready to serve any ALPHA MALE who tested positive for Covid. 

I have sucked and fucked so many Covid COCKS I have lost count now...I have been in the hospital four times now and on the edge of life and death all four times. I do not know what is wrong with me, I have gone insane...but it is a strange kind of sacred madness. 

Facing death, looking it straight in the face, is profoundly transformational. I am in the present moment more fully and deeply than ever before and feel the beauty and power of both life and death more and more with each day and with each COCK that I serve. I feel like I am fulfilling a higher and deeper purpose by serving the ALPHA COCKS that no one wants to serve. I feel like I am truly and deeply serving the Great COCK GOD, and my LORD and MA


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Embracing our Primal Selves

The goal of transformative sexuality is for us to transcend our culturally-programmed false self and awaken to our true primal selves, to embrace our inner animal nature, our true LUSTS and desires, to live from our truth and not to repress or deny who and what we really are. The call is to dive deep into our true being, to embrace our inner animal, our primal nature, our darkness, our shadows, to release all pent up repressed energies and to become a FUCK ANIMAL...only then can we transcend all that has held us back from living a full and true life, only then can we awaken to our deeper and higher selves...and become who and what we were meant to be...


Friday, February 19, 2021

We Thought it was Over...

Just when we thought it was finally over and it was safe to go back to our old lives...or at least some semblance of our old life as much as possible in the midst of the pandemic...but something strange is happening. The Dark Web is lighting up again with new MAGA and Q forces; and MAGA PORN is surging once again; there is word of LORD TRUMP is forming a new political party, the Patriot Party. We libtards thought the second impeachment would finally get him...but no...once again he slipped through our fingers and we lost again. Our loser programming resurfaced again but this time it is even deeper and more subtle. It is operating just beyond our grasp. We tried to stay away from MAGA PORN, we tried to not think about HIM, we tried to believe he was really gone...but something inside us knows better...we know this ain't over yet. We are so burnt, so tired, so played out from being played with for four years...we just want it to be over...yet at the same time, somewhere deep inside us, in the darkness beyond our own darkness there lurks the madness, the need, the desire to be MAGA BRED


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Giving Birth to the DARKNESS

For those of you wondering where I have been I have been impregnated by LORD SATAN and been in the hospital. The doctors cannot figure out why my belly is so huge or why I cannot eat or shit or piss...every test comes back normal...but nothing about this is normal. I have dreams of DEMONS, thousands of them gestating inside my belly. I am in extreme pain and scream so loud and so deep that my soul trembles. Afterwards I am so empty and my whole body feels like rubber for hours. I am having labor pains now. Something huge is being born and I have no idea what it is...all I know is that it is from my LORD SATAN who has been fucking me for months. He is still fucking me... In the midst of my great pain he was fucking me and laughing at me. Which insanely turned me on in ways I could never have imagined.