Sunday, February 28, 2021

MAGA Withdrawal

After over four years of large scale MAGA gaslighting and psychological abuse us libtards have become addicted to the abuse and the abusers. After LORD TRUMP left the White House we were shocked at ourselves for we were not happy at all, there was an emptiness in the pit of our stomachs and a sense of panic in not having our abuser constantly shattering one of our ideals or turning me into a loser again, and again, and again. 

We tried to pretend to be happy for all our other libtard friends, but inside, all this time we have been craving and missing our LORD TRUMP's tweet attacks, we miss having a strong ALPHA MALE in charge of our lives, an ALPHA who treats us as objects to be used and abused and discarded or destroyed when our ALPHA MASTER no longer finds pleasure in us. 

We cannot deny it any longer...we are going through MAGA withdrawal and our MAGA hunger cannot be contained...inside us there is a whisper rising...if we listen closely we can hear it's calling: MAGA, MAGA, MAGA...TRUMP 2024... 



While many of my fellow libtard gooners have shared their deep appreciation for my MAGA posts, some have asked me how I could be so into MAGA PORN in light of the potential high degree of suffering the Trumpism path is potentially taking us toward.

Believe it or not, that potential reality is what is driving me to tap into the collective energy behind this trajectory and exorcise it by diving deep into the shadow material within it and bringing it out into the full light of consciousness. 

In the tantric tradition, we must dive deep into our shadow and our LUSTS and desires to ultimately learn from them and integrate those lessons into ourselves while transcending the shadow elements at the same time. 

On one level, my MAGA work is about unearthing the power behind it and diving deep into it. 

At the same time, at another level, I am planting more transcendent messages into the shadow elements. 

At still another level, I am attempting to channel the collective energy behind Trumpism and bringing it out into the light of awareness. 

And at still another level, the collective energy behind the MAGA movement is a part of the arising ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER, which is an important evolutionary development in our collective field...and as such at some level we need to embrace this energy and follow its unfolding to learn the major lesson it is here to teach us.

The only way to transcend a shadow is fully owning it and thereby bringing it fully into the light of our awareness. This includes recognizing and honoring the truths and lessons of this shadow material, as well as letting ourselves fully express the energy behind them.

So if you are turned on by my MAGA work, then being with that and going deep into it is actually helping to discharge the energy behind the shadow material within your MAGA LUST.

If you are turned off by it or have strong feelings against it, especially feeling like it needs to be not expressed, that is bringing in repression and denial fields of energy around it and that actually helps to feed the shadow elements. But if you recognize this and try to be with your resistance without attachment or aversion, just observing it, you can help release the repression fields as well.

The bottom line, my MAGA work, like the rest of my work with any psycho-sexual taboo, is a form of collective "Shadow Work" and is oriented around the full embrace and transcendence of our collective shadow.



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