Thursday, February 18, 2021

Giving Birth to the DARKNESS

For those of you wondering where I have been I have been impregnated by LORD SATAN and been in the hospital. The doctors cannot figure out why my belly is so huge or why I cannot eat or shit or piss...every test comes back normal...but nothing about this is normal. I have dreams of DEMONS, thousands of them gestating inside my belly. I am in extreme pain and scream so loud and so deep that my soul trembles. Afterwards I am so empty and my whole body feels like rubber for hours. I am having labor pains now. Something huge is being born and I have no idea what it is...all I know is that it is from my LORD SATAN who has been fucking me for months. He is still fucking me... In the midst of my great pain he was fucking me and laughing at me. Which insanely turned me on in ways I could never have imagined.


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