Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Four Year Plan

During the next four years the Great Awakening of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER with be complete and all us libtards will be completely reprogrammed and awakened to our proper place in the world as inferior, weaker, submissive, subservient beings born to serve all ALPHAS. And we will vote in huge numbers to affirms that LORD TRUMP (and his decendants) is, are and will always be our ALPHA KINGS and QUEENS. And as we watch the news unfold at that moment, we will be gooning to the thought and prayer that our new GODS and MASTERS be given total control of our existence and that in hopes of this we hereby relinquish of our own free will, all our rights and privileges as equal human beings...but instead we wish to be viewed as objects to be owned and used and abused by any and all ALPHA MALE MASTERS.


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