Friday, February 19, 2021

We Thought it was Over...

Just when we thought it was finally over and it was safe to go back to our old lives...or at least some semblance of our old life as much as possible in the midst of the pandemic...but something strange is happening. The Dark Web is lighting up again with new MAGA and Q forces; and MAGA PORN is surging once again; there is word of LORD TRUMP is forming a new political party, the Patriot Party. We libtards thought the second impeachment would finally get him...but no...once again he slipped through our fingers and we lost again. Our loser programming resurfaced again but this time it is even deeper and more subtle. It is operating just beyond our grasp. We tried to stay away from MAGA PORN, we tried to not think about HIM, we tried to believe he was really gone...but something inside us knows better...we know this ain't over yet. We are so burnt, so tired, so played out from being played with for four years...we just want it to be over...yet at the same time, somewhere deep inside us, in the darkness beyond our own darkness there lurks the madness, the need, the desire to be MAGA BRED


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