Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Psycho-Sexual Gaslighting of America

On the surface in our daily lives TRUMP's tweets are constantly gaslighting all us liberals while attacking everything we hold dear. No one or thing seems to be able to stop him. Every time we think we have a chance of beating him we fail, over and over and over. This puts us through an ongoing cycle of hope and despair and keeps us in a constant state of fight or flight and after four years we have ongoing PTSD from it all. His crass and condescending and tormenting primal ALPHA MALE energy stirs something deep and dark inside us.

Under the surface of our liberal lives we begin to get turned on by it all and we are drawn into MAGA PORN. In the world of MAGA PORN we find an outward erotic mirroring of what we feel deep inside us after being psychologically, morally and spiritually corrupted by TRUMP.

The same forces behind TRUMP are behind MAGA is all part of the plan for the authoritarian take over of Western civilization and the arising of the ALPHA MALE NEW WORLD ORDER. The plan includes the indoctrination of all women and beta males into sexual servitude. For us to fully embrace our "loser" status, to wake up from the delusion of equality to our natural inferiority, and to find great erotic pleasure in taking our proper place in the natural order of things by being used, abused, humiliated, degraded, debased, tortured, enslaved and destroyed by any and all ALPHA MALES...loving every minute of it...and most of all awakening to our love for COCK and for all our new MASTERS and GODS...all ALPHA MALES, LORD TRUMP and LORD SATAN.

All liberals are now gaslighted libtard losers getting kicked off our high horse on LORD TRUMPS new and very real "reality show"...

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